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Bridgette's POV

I'm getting worried here already, Courtney is not answering her phone and I've been calling her for like the nth time already!

"Bridgette..." Thank goodness someone from at least the two of them answered! But, wait- Duncan doesn't seem to be okay.

"D-duncan?" I asked, concern filling up my voice again.

"Please... Just go here."

Geoff's POV

After Bridgette left, I was about to go after her but then Alejandro beside me stopped me, saying I should let her be alone for now. I just nodded, and I started a somehow conversation to stop the awkwardness.

"So, how's everyone?" I asked, forcing a smile.

"Doing good, bro!" Dj smiled back.

"Life is still horrible." Heather said, rolling her eyes.

"At least I'm here for you, honey." Alejandro said near her ears in a seductive tone.

"Shut the fuck up." Heather glared at him, but he just smirked.

"Seems like we didn't change that much after all." Trent smiled.

"You can say that again." Gwen agreed.

We all got shocked because of the sudden opening of doors. Bridgette ran to get her things beside me and looked at everyone.

"Guys, I have to go. I'm sorry for the short time." She said, and was about to leave but I reached out for her wrist.

"Are you okay? What happened?" I asked.

"I just really have to go, I'll catch up with you guys next time." She then faced everyone.

"Thanks for inviting me here, Dj." She smiled at him.

"No prob!" Dj said, giving her two thumbs up.

I stood up, still not letting go of her wrist.

"I'm coming with you." I said.


"Is that okay, bro?" I asked Dj.

"Sure, sure!" He said.

"Bye, guys!" I said, leading me and Bridgette's way out of the house.

As we got out, I stared into her eyes.

"Now, tell me what happened?" I asked.

Gwen's POV

Good thing that bitch left already.

"What happened?" Alejandro asked with a confuse look.

"I don't know." Trent shrugged.

"At least she's gone." I said, rolling my eyes.

Trent elbowed me, making me glare at him. He leaned over to my ear.

"Will you just shut up for once?" His voice full of anger.

I just shut my mouth, I never thought I made him this pissed.

"It's been a while, why not go on a vacation together?" Heather suggested.

"Great idea!" Dj agreed.

"To where?" Trent asked.

"How about at my beach house?" Alejandro asked.

"Sounds great." I agreed.

"Where's that?" Heather asked Alejandro.

"Give me a kiss, and I'll give you an answer." Alejandro replied seductively, winking at her.

"I'll just pass!" Heather said, pissed off.

"Hey, I was just kidding!" Alejandro said, getting annoyed.

"Will you two cut it out?" Trent said.

"Anyways, does anyone of us knows where that is?" Dj asked Alejandro.

"Geoff does." Alejandro replied.

"Good, he could drive my van. Two batches? Agree?" Dj suggested.

"I agree, as long as me and Courtney are not in the same batch." I quickly said.

"Heather will be in my van." Alejandro smirked at her.


"Heather, babe, my beach house, my rules. Rule one, you're my partner." He cut Heather off, winking at her.

"Partner? Oh, gosh! As if Dj will agree with that." Heather laughed.

Then the group got her message, we laughed as well.

"Not funny, guys." Dj hissed.

"Geoff and Bridgette, Alejandro and Heather, 'Duncan and Courtney', me with Gwen." Trent said, giving me a glance while he was partnering Duncan and Courtney.

"And Dj?" I glared at him, but then just rolled my eyes off.

"I will be in first batch, which is Geoff's. First batch will be Bridgette, Geoff, Me, Duncan and with Courtney. Sounds good?" He asked.

Wait- what?! I want to be in the same batch with Duncan!!

"Wait, Alejandro's van is bigger than Geoff's, Duncan can be in second batch." I said, trying not to sound stupid.

"You're really stupid, huh?" Heather glared at me, making me glare at her.

"What do 'you' mean?" I asked her.

"Flirt with your boyfriend, slut!" Heather stood up, eyeing me.

"Whoa, whoa!" Alejandro said, pulling Heather down.

"Will you girls just stop with the fighting for once?" Dj asked, pissed.

Trent glared at me, and so is everyone. Damn, I feel so alone here. How could Trent not defend me? He's my boyfriend, he should! How could he?

"What?" I asked, annoyed. Then I glared back at Trent.

"You're my boyfriend! How could you just not do anything?" I asked.

"That's the point! I'm your boyfriend, your fucking 'boyfriend', Gwen!" He shouted at my face, making me cry in no time.

Everyone is quiet, but not because they pity me, they're still glaring at me. Trent left, and I just sobbed.

"I think you deserved that." Heather spat.

"I agree." Dj agreed.

"You can say that again." Alejandro said, wrapping his arms around Heather while they are all glaring at me.

"You don't know anything!" I shouted at them.

"Oh, yes, we do! You desperate bitch." Heather shouted back.

"Duncan or Trent?" Dj asked.

I gulped, how could I answer that?

"Both? You're sick." Alejandro said, disgust in his voice and glare.

I just cried, I can't move.

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