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"The battle has started Tom. What are we supposed to do?"

"Don't fret, Astrea, just keep Raven hidden. I will protect both of you,"

"I don't want you to get hurt," 

"I won't darling, don't worry, just keep hidden," Tom said as he kissed his lovers' forehead goodbye, and he ran out with his wand up in the air, shouting the killing curse.

"Don't worry, my sweet Raven momma will protect you," Astrea shushed the crying baby.

Astrea looked up from her child, noticing something was wrong, and then Tom barged in barricading the front door of their manor.

"Astrea, run, we need to hide they're too strong. albus is with them," He said, running over to his love.

"What about Raven?"

"Pass her to me. You can't run with a child in your hand whilst trying not to trip over that dress," Tom said, grabbing Raven out of Astrea's arms.

"Come on," 

"I want to fight with you," 

"Astrea, Dumbledore is with them. We'll never beat them," 

"Hide Raven, and lets fight them. we have to try. We can't keep running!"

Tom stood gritting his teeth, then sighed, giving in. He apparated Raven somewhere only he would know, then pulled out his wand again.



With that, they both charged out.


"Who knew that the Dark Lord himself could love, I'll kill her just like you killed Lilly and tried to kill Harry but that backfired didn't it," Smirked James Potter pointing his wand at Astrea.

"Word says the killing curse backfired, so you're a meant to be dead right now," Glared Sirius.

"Astrea, run!"

"Tom, my boy, stop running. You know your punishment for everything you have done. All we are trying to do is restore the peace,"

"Does that mean killing me, Albus?" 

"Tom...Raven..," Astrea whispered.

"She's fine, my love," 

Tom pointed his wand at James and shouted, "Avada kedavra!" 

James Potter fell limp on the ground. The only thing that could be heard was Sirius painful cry after the loss of his best friend.

"Avada kedavra!" Albus shouted.

The spell was headed straight for Tom. He was ready to die. He closed his eyes and awaited his death, but it never came, He heard a thud on the ground, and he opened his eyes and there laid  his lovers dying body, Astrea was fighting the curse, How?!

"Astrea, why did you do that?!"

"Tell our daughter I love her and will always be watching over her," She whispered so only Tom could hear her.

                                                                                "Astrea?! please don't leave me," Tom said in pure panic, shaking his lovers body.

Astrea's body fell limp. She was dead.

Tears fell out of his eyes as he lifted his head up and let out a painful cry.

All the other wizards fell silent, even Albus dumbledore himself. They looked at the Dark Lord with sympathy, sure he was evil, but did he really deserve this?

"Let that be a lesson, Tom," Albus said, now standing in front of Tom and Astrea.

Tom looked up, still clutching onto his lovers body, tears pouring out of his eyes.

"A lesson that all actions have consequences," Albus said before disappearing along with all the others in the order.

From that day forward, Tom had changed his appearance so he couldn't be seen as the Dark Lord anymore, but as a normal wizard, Tom had also changed his last name to Slytherin after his grandfather. 


"My lord, if you'd please...,"

"What is it now, Lucius?"

"Narcissa, my wife has suggested for Raven to stay at the Malfoy manor with us and our son Draco so she has a friend,"

"Absolutely not! I can raise my child by myself, Lucius, but tell Narcissa thank you for the offer, but I decline," He stated, shocked about his manners.

"Of course, my lord," Lucius nodded.


"Bloody hell Nagini, stop pestering her,"

"But master she is like a little sister to me," Nagini hissed

"Nagini, you can't always be with her, Bella will be here now to give her a bath," Tom chuckled slightly at Nagini's clinginess.

"Okay master," Nagini slithered off. 

𝑅𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑅𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑃ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑜𝑝ℎ𝑒𝑟'𝑠 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑒Where stories live. Discover now