𝑷𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏'𝒔 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓

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-𝑹𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏 𝒘𝒂𝒍𝒌𝒆𝒅 𝒂𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒍𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒍𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒆𝒍𝒇 𝒅𝒐𝒘𝒏.

Raven calmed herself down, and the thunder stopped. She headed down to the owlery to find her owl.



"There you are!" Raven said with a smile as she walked up to Dusk her owl and gave him a small pat on the head. 

"I need you to deliver a note to my father for me," Raven said and took a note out of her pocket that she wrote earlier. 

"Deliver this to him," She smiled and held the note up at the owl, Dusk took the note out of her hands with his beak and flew away. Raven watched him fly away into the distance until he was out of view.


Once Raven was back at her dorm, Daphne walked up to her with her head bowed.

"I'm sorry we didn't mean to pressure you," She said, looking guilty.

"It's fine. I shouldn't have blew up on you guys like that and shouted," Raven put her hand on Daphne's shoulder to reassure her. 

Daphne smiled at Raven and gave her a hug.

"C'mon, we better head to be early. we got potions with Professor Snape first thing in the morning," Daphne said with a pout. 

"Okay," Raven chuckled and grabbed a pair of pyjamas to change into. (Yes, it's still night time) 


Raven came out of the bathroom in a silk blue pair of pyjamas and climbed into bed. She glanced over at Daphne, who was in bed on her phone, probably watching tiktok or playing games. She thought to herself as she grabbed her book from her bedside table. 

"Out of all the things you can do, you decide to read a book. You're a different breed," Daphne chuckled. 

Raven gave an offended look. "uhm, excuse me. My phone is on charge, so I have no other option. and besides what's wrong with reading." 

"Nothing, nothing." Daphne smirked before returning back to her phone. Raven returned to her book.

"Hey, Daph," Raven suddenly looked up.

"Hm," Daphne said without looking up from her phone. 

"What's the deal with Potter? Why do most people adore him," Raven looked at her friend, confused.

"Well, he's the boy who lived, surly you know the stories and rumours about him," 

"Yes, of course I do! but like just because he survived the killing curse doesn't make him special. Okay, it does, but still!" Raven thrashed her arms in the air as she spoke. 

"I get where you're coming from. He's getting loads of attention just because of what happened when he was  a little baby," Daphne said, now looking over at Raven.

"Exactly! he doesn't deserve it. After all, he did nothing to earn it, what makes him so special," Raven huffed. before turning on her side.

"He did survive the killing curse from You-Know-Who and made him go into hiding," 

"Hm," Raven sounded. 

"Why the sudden curiosity?" 

"Oh, I don't know it just came to thought," 

"Right well, imma head to bed now because i'm tired," Daphne said, turning her phone off and getting comfortable in her bed, ready to sleep. 

"Alright," Raven nodded and did the same, turning to face the wall. 

𝑅𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑛 𝑅𝑖𝑑𝑑𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑃ℎ𝑖𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑜𝑝ℎ𝑒𝑟'𝑠 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑒Where stories live. Discover now