rumors get you somewhere

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You just came back from another mission with the Avengers, entering your own room in one of SHIELD's accommodation near the city. Your body immediately craved for a hot shower and warm bed. It was winter and you hated the cold.

But you weren't complaining one bit while you were doing the mission, spending hours and hours in the snow, especially in the presence of the one and only Wanda Maximoff.

You were undeniably in love with her. With her emerald eyes that could see deep right through your soul, long slightly auburn hair that reached her shoulders and a laugh that could make anyone smile from ear to ear, it was completely impossible not to.

No one knew about your infatuation or obsession to said redhead. No one even knew you were a hopeless romantic, the type where you'd quit from SHIELD the moment you'd marry someone you love, have kids and start a family in the countryside.

No one knew simply because, you were known as a one night kind of gal. The kind where you somehow accidentally made a rumor that you were a merciful sex icon goddess to those women desperate to try or in need of a quick release.

You couldn't remember how it got to this. It all just started with a silly joke with one of your teammates, that you taught someone how to make love or took someone's virginity in the most amazing way, and then the jokes ended on wrong ears.

Many versions were created through the months that followed, until it reached Loki's one time during a mission and he asked you about it if you'd also prefer dudes. Even Maria had one time slipped her personal phone number, which ended on the trash later that night, making her give you more difficult missions than usual because of your implicit rejection.

Of course, you had refused their advances or offers because the rumors weren't true at all. You didn't do those kinds of things. But the rejections were only altered by the ones rejected, probably from shame or embarassment that they weren't that beautiful or handsome enough for your own liking, ending up in more lies and rumors that you truly were a certain sex goddess.

But that very night, when you just finished a hot shower and ready to slump yourself on the bed, you heard a sudden knock on your door.

Hurriedly dressing yourself up in freshly laundered clothes, you began to wonder who would visit at past midnight. You knew the team was already asleep. You checked prior to heading to your own room that no nighttime missions were announced. If there would be, you'd received a private message to your phone. Not a personal visit.

When you opened the door, your heart suddenly stopped beating and your lungs prevented you to breathe. Standing in front of you was the love of your life; imaginary life.



Greeting at the same time, you both ended up nervously chuckling at each other. It made you jump when Wanda abruptly barged inside your room without waiting for an invitation. It made you even more intrigued when the redhead closed the door as if she was afraid anyone would know she was there. You forgot that Wanda and the other Avengers who helped on the mission were staying for the night at SHIELD's.

"Sorry, I just don't want anyone to know that I'm here," Wanda apologized, her breathing uneven as if she just came running to get here.

"It's okay, I get it," you assured her, smiling. "Fury would have gone mad if he knew you were here."

Wanda released a tense laugh as her eyes scanned around your room, her hands in the backpockets of her jeans. "I like your room. It's a bit homey."

The thing about being a SHIELD agent, you would get a separate room that you could design yourself, given that the funds would be coming out from your own pocket. You thought about saving your pay but you didn't even know what for. Working with SHIELD meant no family, and always expecting your burial the next day.

A Simple Favor (A Wanda Maximoff Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now