you made me an addict

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Through the week, you somehow finally managed to decode the files encrypted by Hydra. Although, it still looked nonsense to you but for some people like Fury or Tony, this might be helpful information. When you gave the reports to Maria, she exchanged it with a fresh mission, to keep you busy while waiting for Fury's review and advice. Another boring stakeout mission outside a dormant ex-Hydra officer's house.

You immediately relented, knowing there was no other way to convince the brunette otherwise. She was set on her choice that she hated you to the bones.

Especially when a familiar redhead had become a constant visitor around the place. The rumors of her regular visits eventually died down when the people who knew accepted that Wanda had really convinced you.

To people like Maria or Loki, they commended Wanda for being determined, believing you were rejecting the redhead's requests too.

Wanda was an enigma. A beautiful enigma. She kept on asking for it. For you. And you couldn't find yourself to say no.

Be it after a successful mission or during one. You'd even discreetly fingered her under a table when you were having dinner with the group.

One time, Wanda pulled you into a nearby broom closet after the mission was done. Knowing you both only had few minutes left before Steve would order you all to get back to the Quinjet, Wanda hurriedly pushed you on your knees as she ordered. "Do that thing with your tongue."

And your eyes darkened with lust as you quickly helped her pull her pants down.

It didn't help when you got to spend some time with the group, ordering takeouts and watching a horror movie on the screen in the compound. Now that Wanda wasn't avoiding you like before, your feelings towards the beautiful redhead intensified.

You even began to notice small things that made you more in love. How she would put an enormous amount of butter on her popcorn. How she would laugh when someone was brutally murdered in the movie, saying that the scene was just carelessly crafted. How she would scrunch her nose when she would laugh. And there wasn't a single thing about her that was ugly.

A forced cough beside you brought you back to the present, turning to the source and saw Tony sneaking a laugh at the state of you.

You realized then you were hopeless. You knew hoping Wanda would see you more than a sex object was impossible.

Especially that day when you saw her getting prepared with makeup, wearing a silky emerald dress that complimented her eyes. Regret filled you when you asked where she was heading and she told you she was going on a date.

Disappointment must be clearly evident on your face because she immediately grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards her, leaving minimal distance between you. "You're gonna stay here later tonight, right?"

And you wanted to say no because it would only break your heart, knowing she didn't want you as more. But you didn't, as you nodded back.

Wanda had you wrapped around her finger. She could destroy you and you wouldn't even care.

When you thought she had already left, you almost jumped when you heard her voice from the doorway. "The date is part of a mission, Y/n..."

Wanda then giggled as she left, leaving you all flustered. A smile started to spread on your face, thinking that maybe there was hope after all.

And then as if on instant, you were suddenly hit with a dreadful realization. You haven't exactly revealed to the redhead that she was your only client because you were head over heels towards her, that you weren't exactly giving favors to everyone else as the rumors went. But you shrugged the thought away, because you didn't even know if you'd make it that far, that she'd feel the same towards you.

A Simple Favor (A Wanda Maximoff Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now