jealousy, jealousy

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Wanda moaned out loud, voice hitched an octave higher, as you diligently thrusted the strap up into her. The gorgeous naked redhead was sitting on your lap while you were kneeling on your bed, arms wrapped around her waist as you held her close to you.

The room was filled with filthy sounds of countless moans, groans, whimpers and wet skins slapping against each other, sometimes soft and sometimes you wondered if people outside your room could hear. You didn't care anymore. Wanda could be loud all she want.

The sun was beginning to shine from the horizon, illuminating the room with natural light that managed to seep through the closed curtains, making Wanda's face glow before you as you continued to stare.

You used to wake up early just to witness the sunrise, amazed by the beauty of it all. Never having any idea that this view of Wanda you had right now was even more wonderful.

Her soft and supple breasts were laid out in front of you, bouncing along with her uneven breathing and your thrusting as you intended to make her come for the fifteenth time that night. Or is it already morning?

You hadn't really checked the clock on your bedside table.

Your bed had suffered a lot of damage, having the frame detached from its legs down on the floor. You mentally took a note to have it repaired later that day. You forgot when it happened. It was probably from the time you pounded into her as she went on all fours before you, making her squirt for the first time. Or the time she rode you with fervor, while your hands were tied to the bedpost by red tendrils of her power.

Wanda was able to restrain her powers after the ninth orgasm you managed to tear out from her, not counting the several times she lost her control every time she was hit with an intense one.

The redhead grabbed your face with her hands, desperately capturing your mouth in a passionate kiss. She attempted to roll her hips, making you stop your movements. Moaning in the kiss, she went alternating from moving her body up and down your strap to stilling her hips as she rolled and clenched around you. All the while, her hands scratched your scalp or your back, leaving delicious marks that would surely hurt later.

The kissing had been frequent now. Wanda couldn't seem to get enough of you, her tongue swirling inside your mouth, tasting you, tasting herself when you tasted her minutes earlier, you tasting the remnants of yourself from her mouth when she tasted you before.

Then she pulled back and stopped, prolonging her orgasm, bracing her right hand on the sheets behind as you went to continue thrusting into her with hands gripping her ass to hold her firmly, making her arch her back and threw her head back as she let out another loud whimper.

The angle provided you access to her chest as you wrapped your mouth around one of her stiff pink nipples, sucking or flicking your tongue around it. Your hands then travelled to any part of her skin that was within reach, savoring her, worshipping her body.

"Y/n, I'm so close," Wanda breathily panted as she moved back closer to you and snaked her arms around your shoulders. She rolled her hips again, her breasts pressing against yours.

Your gazes at each other never broke when you began to lift her and gently lay her back on the bed, your hips never wavering on filling her. Her hands scratched your back, eventually sliding down to your ass as she cupped them and pulled you closer. When she did exactly that, you could feel a familiar knot tugging inside of you, the angle of the thrust hitting your swollen clit in a delicious manner. You whimpered at the action, making Wanda utter a sound.

"Are you close?"

You only nodded as you couldn't find the words to say. Her hands squeezing the cheeks of your ass made you fasten your pace.

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