i love you...

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Somehow, through the days that followed, everything seemed to go back to normal. You weren't on speaking terms with Fury yet. You finally figured out why Fury took you off on that mission. He was scared that your close connection to HYDRA people would compromise the task, making you turn to them if you suddenly remembered.

Few memories from your life at HYDRA began resurfacing every day as if the serum SHIELD used on you had lost its effect, but wasn't enough to remember vague ones. What you couldn't figure out though was that none of your memories ever involved being inside a car while head was wrapped around with a cloth. It made you wonder if you were indeed kidnapped by the black sedan always following you around. By Strucker himself. Was he following you? And why? Did you have something of him?

But your recent relationship with Wanda, which was slightly between more than friends but not technically and officially lovers, had made you forget all of your worries. She made you stay despite her knowing you were once an enemy.

You both haven't done anything intimate other than brief touches of hands that always gave you butterflies or spooning to your mouth a taste of the dish she was cooking for the team only to be scoffed at by Natasha who was passing along the kitchen.

You even got to talk to your stepbrother, Tom, who knew everything Fury did from the start. Tom had managed to convince you that it was for the better. He didn't like what HYDRA did to you, corrupting your mind and using you to do the bad deeds.

As it turned out, Fury also adopted Tom back in time, trained him to become a SHIELD agent too. Only, he was stationed at a different headquarters and Fury made sure you two wouldn't cross paths.

It was after an easy mission you were assigned to do with the twins when you suddenly found the courage to ask Wanda on a date. Having just the confidence from successfully managing to finish the task on time, you grabbed the opportunity when you and Wanda had a moment, finding her already staring back at you when you tried to steal a glance of her.

"There's this place..." you stuttered, cheeks now as red as her hair. "That serves the best Sokovian food in the city... Do you... I mean if you have time maybe, after submitting the mission report to Steve... you know.... Doyoumaybewanttohavedinnertherewithmelatertonight?"

Wanda softly chuckled, finding your ramblings adorable. Her hand went to cup your face, painting you even redder, as your heart suddenly stopped beating. "I should be the one asking you that..."

Then the Quinjet arrived, making her walk away from you. You were still in a daze for a short second before you shook yourself out of it. "Was that a yes?"

You were only met with Wanda's sweet laughter as she called Pietro to hurry his ass up, finding him flirting with a random citizen. When you all reached back at the compound, Wanda then pulled you in a bruising kiss, leaving you breathless. As quick as it happened, she broke it. Your brain must had short circuited.

"7pm dinner, meet me by my door later tonight," Wanda muttered, barely a whisper. Then she sprinted off as she shouted. "Don't be late!"

And so the two you finally went out on a date. Apparently, Wanda hadn't experienced any of that, the first she considered close to a date was you taking her to Tom's supposed junkyard, her other way of saying to you that you should just stop being nervous on pleasing her.

"I just wanted to make this right... to treat you the way you deserve to be treated," was your entire reason all the time, unaware of the effects you were causing to the redhead's mind.

You eventually found out later that night when she asked you to stay in her bedroom to watch a movie. Movie was long forgotten in the background when your making out session deepened, hunger needing to be sated, her straddling on top of you as she began to grind. Both of your hands explored and caressed parts which had been missed, savoring the softness and warmth of pressed bodies.

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