i like you... but

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Darkness was what you could only see at the moment.

You felt your body moved on its own. Or more like the ground was moving beneath you. Mind a bit fuzzy from something you had no idea of, you guessed you were inside a vehicle in motion.

And then as if on instinct, you forgot how to breathe. The object around your head was the reason why you were having difficulty in breathing. As you tried to get it off you, you couldn't move your arm, not the type where you were tied in ropes but the kind where you  were suddenly paralyzed. As if your body had gone immobile.

Light then flooded your sight, although all you could see was the white cloth before you. You figured you just got out of a tunnel from the sudden shift.

You could point out a shadow move from the seat ahead of you. The figure loomed closer as your body suddenly filled with fright of the unknown. And then blinding light hit you as it took the object from your head, making you shut your eyes tight while catching your breath.

You could hear the figure talking. It was a voice of a man. A stranger.

"You must remember, Y/n," he said as you felt his fingers wrap around your face. "You are better than this, better than the Avengers themselves... You have a purpose."

And when you were about to open your eyes to see, a prick of needle went into your neck. Total darkness immediately enveloped you once again, the medicine making your eyes droop to a close.

You woke up with a start on your own bed, both confusion and arousal suddenly made its way straight to your core. The feeling had you whimper dumbfoundedly.


Then you tensed as the movement stopped.

"Sorry, I'm sorry." You heard Wanda's voice behind you, feeling her warm body pressed to your back. Your stature immediately relaxed, knowing she was there with you. "I thought.. I thought you liked it. You were moaning in your sleep."

You realized then that Wanda's hand was inside your shorts, her fingers just grazing  above your drenched swollen clit.

You quickly shook your head as you apologized. "Sorry, it was... nothing... It's okay. I like it."

Hearing Wanda sigh in relief as she continued her ministrations, you began to close your eyes as they rolled to the back. The whole dream now forgotten.

You felt kisses being peppered on the back of your neck as she teased you. "Why were you so tired?" 

You threw your head back as her mouth sucked your pulse, a deep moan managing to escape from your throat. When confident that she had left a mark, she went on.

"I couldn't find you in the training room this morning, figured you were still in bed... Sleeping in the middle of the day... If Fury would find out-"

And then Wanda gently pushed her fingers into your aching folds, your wetness sucking her in up to her knuckles, making you moan louder and fist your hand against your pillow.

"-He'd go ballistic..."

"Fuck, Wands.. I... I-I don't remember..." Memories of the dream streamed through inside your head, managing to crawl out from the immense pleasure you were feeling. Was it even a dream?

"Maria.. she...," you tried to think about the last thing you could remember. "She sent me out to a mission and I..."


And your eyes suddenly opened because you couldn't seem to remember anything after that. It felt weird how you even forgot how you got into your own bed.

A Simple Favor (A Wanda Maximoff Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now