it was all a lie

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"Stop it, you're gonna kill her!" You shouted as you pushed through the barricades of chairs in the room. Sheikh appeared in front of you as he attempted to stop you but to no avail. A man's voice suddenly boomed through the speakers of the room, ordering two guards from the corners to block you from entering the secluded room.

"Patience, Y/n..," the man calmly said. "Don't tell me you've gone too soft on the volunteers now, tsk... There's no gain when there's no pain... You yourself should know that..."

You struggled from the grasps of the bulky guards behind, fighting to free yourself. But an unexpected explosion of light from the other room made you all stop and shut your eyes tight. Then it was gone in just a second. The guards finally let you go as you ran closer towards the glass.

The volunteer had miraculously survived the effects of the Mind stone. Wanda appeared floating midair in the room, her eyes gleaming in yellow.

You came up for air from the tub filled with water in your own bathroom. Clutching your chest, you tried to get your breathing even as your other hand wiped the water around your face. You didn't realize you had slept while taking a dip into the tub.

You just wanted to relax from finally having a dayoff. However, nightmares continued to fill your nights. And it was making you insane.

You got off from the tub and dried yourself with a towel. Wiping the mirror fogged from the steam of hot water, you saw your face with sunken eyes from lack of sleep. Sleep had become a rarity now. You knew surrendering to it would only give you bad dreams.

As you made your way downstairs, Wanda was there with the other Avengers in the dining room. You figured they just got off from a mission or going into one.

Passing by the redhead to grab yourself a cup of coffee, you decided to greet her a good morning but she only ignored you as she walked away.

It had been weeks since the admission of the truth. You had attempted to seek for Wanda's forgiveness for the days that followed, only to be denied or ignored. Nobody knew why you and Wanda suddenly became enemies. Rumors began to spread out that maybe, it had something to do with what happened during sex.

Steve had even grown tired on stopping Wanda from blowing you to pieces and Fury had advised you to avoid the redhead at all costs due to the damage her power has caused on the infrastructures of SHIELD's accommodation.

Eventually, you began to see it from Wanda's perspective. That you really took advantage of the rumor just to hook up with your crush. You hated yourself for it and the things you had done. Perhaps, that was the reason why you felt something was terribly wrong with you.

The lack of sleep wasn't helping, especially when Wanda was no longer there to help you sleep.

Tony's disappointment on your lack of progress on the coordinates made it worse. You wondered why you were even an agent in the first place.

You spent a whole lot of time at Tom's junkyard until you found out Wanda had been visiting the place too. You offered it to her so she deserved the peace and freedom to use it whenever she liked. She probably made a dummy version of you around so that she could make you explode.

The day when you stopped trying to make amends was the time Fury sent you out to a mission with the Avengers. The mission would be done in pairs. The Avengers went to hurriedly choose a SHIELD agent with them until there was only two of you left. As expected, Wanda chose the agent next to you. And you met Pietro's smiling face as he sighed. "Well, it's just you and me again, Y/n."

"What happened between you and my sister?" He asked during the mission, when you both were waiting for the incoming attack from the 5th location Bruce had come up on the coordinates.

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