what makes you crave

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"What? Why?!" you exclaimed, suddenly the bliss from your time spent together with Wanda disappeared in an instant, replaced by frustration you tried so hard to control. Your eyes immediately darted towards the brunette behind Fury, who was currently sporting a fake calm face even though underneath, you knew she was rejoicing at your misfortune.

"Did I do something wrong? I mean, I managed to decode the files. I got you the files... I deserve to be in this mission as much as everyone else!" You spat.

"Miss Y/l/n," Fury began, voice reserved but tense. "There's no need to shout... I am not deaf."

A small snort of laughter from Maria made you conclude that she really was behind all of this. You glared at her, wishing she'd be obliterated just by your eyes.

"You did nothing wrong," Fury went on. "Even I am impressed of you... You helped the team recover the files. And that was your purpose... There's just no need for you to continue this mission after this... Even your co-agents. You can ask them yourself..."

Your stature softened, guilty, as you turned around and looked at them. They forced a  smile your way as they nodded.

"So who will?" You stuttered to ask.

"The Avengers will be dealing this mission from now on, to be headed by Maria," Fury answered. And this caused the rage inside of you to reignite, as if hearing him utter her name could make you explode any time.

"But Maria doesn't have powers or even abilities like them, why does she get to stay?" You taunted.

Maria looked like she was ready to attack you as she stepped forward, but Fury held her to stop.

"Maria has more knowledge about this mission.. And the Avengers will need her even more..."

The meeting was finally adjourned after a couple more discussions. You took your time on heading back to the sleeping quarters, avoiding the conversations with your co-agents still talking about the unfair arrangement.

When you heard familiar footsteps echoing behind you, you immediately stopped and turned around, cornering Maria by grabbing her shirt as you shoved her into the wall.

"Did you tell anything to Fury?" You hissed at her face. Maria only remained calm as if she was really trying to get you riled up.

"About what?" She teased. And you pushed her back against the wall one more time, knowing that it would cause her slight discomfort, if not pain.

"You know what the hell I am talking about."

"What, Y/n? Did I report to Fury you were sleeping with a certain redhead, an Avenger I might add? You know that's certainly forbidden once proved, right?"

You only glared at her, gripping the collar of her shirt tighter.

"I didn't, Y/n," Maria sighed. "Even if I wanted to."

Then her finger suddenly caressed the side of your face, making you suddenly flinch from her touch, making you lose your composure. It was only then when you noticed your faces were just mere inches apart as she leaned forward closer to your ear, her other arm now snaking on your shoulder.

"You know... I am not opposed of having you here with me," she cooed softly, her lips slightly grazing your ear. "I bet I can even make you moan louder than Wanda."

A noise behind you made you abruptly pull away from Maria, finding a dumbstruck Pietro at the end of the hallway. "Sorry, I didn't know anyone was still here... I'll leave you guys to it, then."

You expected it. The rumors spread out like wildfire the following day, that you were also doing favors to Maria. It caused a slight dispute between you and the Maximoff twins. Pietro, for spreading the rumor. And Wanda, for avoiding you like a plague again.

A Simple Favor (A Wanda Maximoff Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now