i can be a friend

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"What in the world were you doing out there?! In a mission that wasn't even yours to begin with!" Fury's voice resonated through the entire conference room. And even if it was soundproofed, his voice could wake up the entire place.

Afraid to see the look of disappointment from Fury's face, you chose to gaze down on your shoes, still covered with Sheikh's blood. You haven't gotten the chance to take a shower first to clean yourself. You even got used to the stench of dry blood, as if your nose was immune to said smell. And you had no idea why.

When the backup arrived at the scene earlier, it was already too late. The only important asset you got just committed suicide. You couldn't help but feel like a total failure in Nick Fury's eyes. But your co-agent Blake accepted much worse fate than you, for letting you in the mission you had no knowledge of.

Wanda was saved from the wrath of Fury but she didn't fare much better with Steve.

After all the sermons were done, you and Blake were then allowed to go, with a thick stack of folders in hand, containing useless missions to do as your punishment. But Fury unexpectedly stopped you as you reached the doorway.

"Did he say something to you?" he asked, his voice calm unlike before, but probing.


"Sheikh," Fury clarified, leaning his hands on the table. "Before he killed himself. Did he say something to you?"

All of a sudden, it all came back to you. The questioning and confusing comments Sheikh made upon seeing you. You wouldn't have given much thought about it but Sheikh wasn't the first one who acknowledged you as someone he knew, considering the HYDRA agent with curly hair who saved you from your fall.

You shook your head no as you uttered a reply to Fury, lying. "No, he didn't mention anything."

Fury let out a sigh as he nodded back, looking somewhat unconvinced. Then he made you leave.

Wanda was feeling much worse than you. Thankfully, at least, she wasn't avoiding you like before. But she wasn't talking that much either. Pietro also took some lectures from Steve for allowing Wanda to take his place.

You didn't even got the chance to talk to the redhead about what happened with Sheikh, let alone the shenanigans you did inside the car. You knew bringing it up would only make her remember getting distracted during a mission. And you wondered if she'd stop seeing you for that, knowing it might be one of the reasons you failed the mission. A mission you weren't supposed to be in in the first place.

Eventually after a couple of days, you forgot to talk about it, especially when Wanda got called for another mission with Steve.

When she arrived back at SHIELD's accommodation to spend the night along with the other Avengers, Wanda went straight to your room as if no longer afraid of the consequences. Upon seeing the look on her face, you could tell her mission turned out bad.

The minute she closed the door, she demanded. "Fuck me now, please."

Your jaw only dropped as the folder you were holding at the moment fell on the floor. "What?"

Wanda was already unbuttoning her shirt as she walked towards your bed, letting it fall from her shoulders. Her fingers immediately went to fiddle the button and zipper of her pants as if time was of the essence.

Suddenly, you found the courage to stop Wanda once you got a full glimpse of her face, looking completely upset.

"Hey hey, stop," you interjected, holding her hands. It was only then when you realized she was trembling. "What's wrong?"

A Simple Favor (A Wanda Maximoff Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now