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As expected, you woke up to empty cold sheets beside you. You couldn't really ask Wanda to stay especially when no one knew she was there in the first place. You even started to wonder if last night really happened because it felt surreal. Last night felt more like a dream, a fantasy you found yourself imagining when receiving boring lectures from Fury. The smell of her perfume lingered on your sheets for days, if you'd just close your eyes, it would seem like she was there with you.

You hadn't seen Wanda after that night.

She wasn't even in your missions when you had to go work on ones with the Avengers. It was as if the entire deal had put a strain for what could  have been a blooming friendship between the two of you. Although, you doubted if it would even happen in the first place since you had no courage to start a friendly conversation with her.

As if desperate to know about the redhead, you tried to bring up some stuff to talk about with the other Avengers. Just small talk about how Wanda was doing and how Wanda could have helped with the mission you were going to since she had more experience. But they would just give you direct answers, no vague ones that would make you follow up for more.

One day, Maria handed you a mission that made you groan out loud. "Really? Babysitting?"

She only sighed as she began to sit and open her laptop on the desk. "It's the mayor's kid, Y/n, so it's important... Might I need to remind you of your job?"

You scoffed at her, as you closed the folder and flashed it towards her face. "Can't you just get someone else to do this? I mean, I know I have more potential than waiting for hours inside the mayor's house... I'm sure Tony has told you how fast and reliable I was on the field..."

Maria only continued to ignore your complaints as she went through the files on her laptop.

"Look, I'm sorry about... you know," you cautiously started, your fingers making air quotations on the last two words, earning you a glare from the brunette. You eventually gave up, sighing. "Fine!"

As you were about to leave, Maria suddenly muttered. "So, redheads are your type, huh?"

You turned to look at her, but she was already calling someone on the phone. You opened your mouth to ask what she was talking about but she held her finger in front of you, shushing you out as she connected to the other line.

Of course, Maria would find out. Or someone did and decided to tell a tale about it. What would Wanda even think? Was she avoiding you because of that, then?

Throughout the days that followed, you finally found out who the culprit was. Peter Quill.

Apparently he was awake the whole time Wanda came to visit you that night in your room, witnessing the entire thing. How Wanda was not discreet enough on slipping in and out of your room.

How you found out it was Peter was much more humiliating, when Gamora suddenly cornered you during a mission, asking how to spice up things in bed.

The whole gossip must had explained why Wanda wasn't in your missions anymore. Or maybe Maria was too jealous to just give you what you wanted since she kept on giving you useless tasks that only degraded your skills of being an agent.

A month probably has passed when the rumor had fortunately died down. When you went on a decent mission one day, you didn't expect to see a very familiar and beautiful redhead in the Quinjet. Per Steve's advice, Wanda came on behalf of Clint's absence. It meant that she was only forced to be there.

It was impossible to focus on the task at hand because even when it was already a month ago, the memory of her naked and thrashing in your bed was still as fresh like it happened just yesterday.

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