my guardian angel

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You felt like your whole world was collapsing, walls crumbling down from each side until not a single tip of your finger was left unburied. Everything you thought you knew was a lie. All lies.

It was as if your life was a joke you were unaware of and now that it was finally revealed to you, your refusal to accept only doubled. At that point, you didn't know what to believe anymore.

A bigger part of you even preferred the rumor of you being a sex icon rather than being a HYDRA agent.

Your heated conversation with Fury minutes ago before you stormed out of the conference room was still ringing inside your head in replay.

Disrupting Fury's late night meeting with some of your co-agents headed by Maria, you angrily placed the laptop on his desk. Bewildered eyes were thrown at you as you maintained your stance. Fury was even about to scold you out until he noticed what was on the screen you showed him. He immediately advised Maria to reschedule the discussion and sent them all out of the room, leaving the two of you alone.

"Who gave you these files?" Fury asked, avoiding your gaze, his fingers browsing through the documents on the laptop.

"It was one of the files I have decoded," you scornfully answered. You knew you were being disrespectful but you were far too lost to even care.

"So you've finished the mission Tony gave you... I'm impressed...," he went on, unbothered, as if attempting to avoid your query at hand, which only made you feel more irritated. "Where is the bomb, then?"

"It's somewhere around the city," you said with venom in your voice. "I also sent the coordinates to Tony."

"Okay. That's great. Good job, Miss Y/l/n-"

"Good job?! What the hell is this?!" You pointed at the profile with your picture on it, give or take five years gap.

Fury took a moment before he replied. "I figure the serum is no longer working on you... that any day from now, you'll eventually remember all of it."

Your brow furrowed in confusion, nostrils still flaring. "All of what? Is this some sort of a sick joke to you?"

He took a short pause before continuing. "The files you found here are true. You're a HYDRA agent... Or used to be one.."

You had now gone silent as your knees suddenly weakened upon the confirmation, taking a seat on a chair nearby. You clutched hard unto the edge of the table, knuckles turning white, just to prove that you weren't sleeping.

"I've been having these dreams...," you started, voice so small and scared. "These nightmares.... I thought... I thought someone was putting them inside my head."

You immediately felt guilty on putting the blame on Wanda, thinking she was the one causing all of these. "But are they, are they memories? My memories?"

Fury nodded. "You were an assistant to this man." He pulled out a picture from his own desktop and it appeared on the screen before you shown by the projectors from the ceiling. The man from the speakers. Baron Strucker.

"He was the leader of the special project that forced poisons, serums or other ungodly objects into volunteers or prisoners just to obtain the needed power the subject must have. He became obsessed with the growing population of mutants that he wanted to build one, unaware of the consequences he's making..."

Your hand turned into a fist as you realized. "Fuck... So I really did all of those things... I helped Strucker experiment on innocent people, even children? Pietro and Wanda?"

Fury let out a sigh. "Let's just say that you were just following his orders... You were his loyal assistant. You were prohibited to talk or visit the subjects, let alone care for them... Strucker knew you were compassionate. That's why the lesser the interaction, the better. Somehow, you found yourself a special connection with one of the subjects-"

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