I looked at the person startled
Riki leaning against the counter laughing
It was the first time I had seen him smilling and laughing.
"You should smile more often"I said as he froze for a second before continuing
"Island huh?and a ring?really?"he spoke smirking.
"Hey"I said playfully as he laughed.
"Anyways thankyou for that"he spoke
I closed the tap as I finished washing my handsI looked at him and smiled
"It was fun maybe next time I should talk about the time we went to paris"I saod jokingly as he laughed
I dried my hands and then patted his shoulder
"I'll be in the room if you need me boyfriend"I said playfully before leaving the kitchen
"Wait"I heard him following me as I started to run to the room as he started running to try to catch me.
Riki pov
What is this feeling?
I dont know but like her calling me boyfriend made me
You know some people change so quickly
Like this man next to me
Yesterday he acted all friendly and today he was a completely different person.
Right now we are in his car as we are about to reach the office.
Soon enough we were there
I got off and so did he
The driver dorve off
Both of us entered the office as I sat down on my desk.
"Babes you did not tell me about yours and mr nishimura's relationship"yuna came over and said loudly while pouting.
"Huh?"I looked at her confused,as she opened her phone before doing some tapping I then heard a nonfication on my phone as I looked at.
My eyes widenedIt was a news article about me and riki dating.
"Oh this babes I am so sorry it all happened so quickly I couldn't tell you even tho I wanted to"I told her.
"Its okay but you need to tell me everything during lunch"she said excited
I nodded she then went back to her desk.
I got up and went to riki's office without knocking.
He looked up coldly.
"Miss Y/N-"he started but i cut him off
"MR NISHIMURA RIKI WHAT IS THIS?!",I whisper shouted showing him the article as he held of my phone reading it.
"Miss Y/N I am so-"
"save it"I cut him off again before snatching my phone and leaving his office going back to my desk.
And realisation soon hit me,oh shit.
Y/N you Will be the cause of your own death one day.
I sat there panicking when I got a call on the telephone I picked it up,"my room now",riki spoke.
Thats it Y/N you are fired,great.
I got up and entered the room standing at the side of the table.
"I -"I was cut of when he pulled me on his lap leaning closer to me
butterflies were flying in my stomach.
Soon enough the door opened.
"Oh my am I disturbing you?"a voice asked as I turned around to see taki standing I tried to get up but riki held me tightpy
"Oh no no,what brings you here?",asked riki
"Oh just wanted to inform you that we are starting the offical gatherings earlier this year"Taki said
"Oh alright thanks for informing" riki spoke.
"Alright bye jabe a great day"he spoke exiting practically running out of the office
Riki finally let go off me as I got up quickly
"Sorry",both of us spoke.
"I am sorry for earlier you did tell me about it,I was just a little startled"I spoke
"Its okay and I am sorry for all that happened now",he apologised
"Okay now back to work miss Y/N"he spoke teasingly as I glared at him jokingly
I then left the office with butterflies all around my stomach as I kept thinking about that moment
My smile soon dropped when a thought came in my mind,do i like him?
A month later
Today is the day we'll be catching a flight for the gatherings which would be on a private island the familh owned
Right now we were being seated in Mr. Nishimura riki's private jet
rich people things I guess.
Taki and eunchae sat next to eachother while me and mr nishimura sat next to eachother.
3rd person povThe girl was starting to get sleepier
And soon enough she was asleep
With no idea of what was happening around
her head fell on the opposite side not knowing a certain boy was staring at her frozen
The boy admired the girl
He swore he felt a feeling he had never felt before
His heart was beating faster than ever.
The boy froze not knowing what was this feeling and why he was having it.
He only shook his head as he looked foward and away from the girl .
Soon enough the plane landed as the girl was still sleeping riki had already gotten out the plane leaving the girl on the plane sleeping.
He told a flight attendent to wake the girl up.
Y/N pov
I woke up as I felt someone shaking me I opened my eyes to see a girl in a uniform looking at me smiling.
"Maam you have reached your destination please step outside as everyone else is wating for you"the lady spoke.
"Huh?,what about my luggage"I asked the girl chuckled
"dont worry about it we got it"she said winking
Y/n smiled thanking her before getting of the plane.
She saw the 3 wating for her as she walked and stood beside ni-ki.
Soon a car arrived where they were standing as they got in.
After a 40 minutes drive the 4 finally reached the family mansion and went in.
"Kids you're here"a fimillar voice spoke it was mrs nishimura
she arrived before us as she had to do some arrangements
"Y/N,Eunchae I missed you"the elder woman spoke hugging both the girls one by one as the girls returned her hug.
"You must be tired go to your rooms and rest"the woman spoke.
Ni-ki took his girlfriend's hand and took her to his room.
There they found their luggage already kept there as they started unpacking.
Mainly a filler

FanfictionSeason 1 is Inspired by a youtube ff series Meet my fake girlfriend BTS jungkookff By justAGirl. Disclaimer:this fanfiction is a work of my imagination and is not in anway related to the idols real life and is not how the idols act and there is no i...