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"Hello?"The fimilliar voice spoke from the other line

Y/n took a long deep breath and replied

"Hi"she simply greeted back as gasps were heard from the other line

Y/n held her breath as her heart beat increased

There was some commotion heard in the background as of chaeryeong was getting up from somewhere and walking

"Y/n is that you?"she spoke after a while

"Yeah"y/n let out a shaky breath

"Oh my god I- no we missed you so much. I'm soo sorry" chaeryeong exclaimed

"What are you sorry for?"y/n asked confused

"About the other day" Chaeryeong said guilt lacing in her voice

"It wasnt your fault chaeryeong and I'm glad I figured out"y/n comforted

"Can we like meet like all 8 of us?"chaeryeong hesitantly asked

"Yeah"y/n simply replied a smile making its way to her face

"Great when are you free?"chaeryeong asked

"The weekend"y/n answered

"Lets meet on saturday at 12 PM then?"chaeryeong suggested

"Sure"y/n replied

"Great so the same mall?"chaeryeong asked

"Okayyy"y/n said smiling

"Okay we'll see you then"chaeryeong said and ended the call

Y/n let out a sigh it went good

"See?I told you it would go good" yeonjun teased

"Yeah yeah"y/n rolled her eyes

"Lets eat these then?"yeonjun said pointing at the snacks infront of them


Saturday came quicker then expected

Y/n had just reached the mall in a casual yet still formal dressing

Her phone rang as she picked it up

"Where are you guys?"y/n asked

"Inside the mall"chaeryeong replied as y/n went inside

She looked around and spotted the 7

"I found you"y/n informed walking towards them

"Hi"she said ending the call as she reached them

The very next moment she was hugged by all the girls

The girls she missed dearly

"I missed you guys"y/n spoke hugging them back

"Why did you go no contact on us idiot"minji asked as they broke the hug

"Just"y/n said offering a sheepish smile making minji shake her head

"Lets shop then?"hanni said connecting her arms with y/n's and minji's dragging the two as the rest followed

The girls then spent their whole day sharing laughs and words amongst eachother

It was as if nothing mattered in the world


"Aww I'll miss you" wonyoung pouted as the 7 hugged y/n good bye

"Me too"y/n said hugging wonyoung

"Lets hangout next week?"rei suggested

"Yeah"haerin said nodding her head enthusiastically at the suggestion

"I'm down"ryujin said

"Next week it is then" y/n said letting go of wonyoung

"I'll meet you guys next week then?"y/n asked making the girls nod with smiles

"Oh and we're face timming every day this week you missed alot"wonyoung said teasingly

"Bet"y/n smiled she really missed all this alot


As soon as y/n washed up after reaching home and sat down on her bed her phone rang

She looked at who was calling at that hour with a slight suspicion that it was yeonjun

Her suspicions were proved right when she looked at the contact name

She picked it up and before she could say a thing yeonjun asked

"How did it go?"he said sounding excited

"Hello to you too yeonjun"y/n commented sassily

"Yeah yeah cut the sass and give me the details before I invade your house"yeonjun said and y/n could sense him rolling his eyes

"Fine girlypop"y/n joked as yeonjun let out a playfull gasp

"Bitch I'm straight"he said dramatically

"Yeah as staright as a semi circle"y/n rolled her eyes

"Are you telling me or do I have to stop by your house and teach you a lesson?" yeonjun warned

"Fine I'll tell you"y/n said rolling her eyes

"That's more I like it"yeonjun said and y/n started giving him the details



Drama starts soon

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