A/n: before this chapter starts yunjin"s sir name will now be huh rather than kim.also no hate to ant idols I loooove both yunjin and eunchae
Riki woke up to someone's call
"Hey riki?"kai asked from the other line
"Hmm"riki asked
"Are you doing well"kai asked
"No"riki replied
"Understandable,so uh I called you because uh yuna wants to talk to you so can you come over?"kai asked softly
Riki sighed and responded "ok Ill be there"
"Great we are wating for you"kai said and ended the call
Riki got up amd changed into a new hoodie and new sweatpants before driving off to kai's mansion
After a long drive he had finally reached his house and knocked the door
"Riki glad you're here come inside please"kai invited the boy in
The both went to the living room where yuna was sitting and sat down onthe opposite couch
"Alright yuna now hear him out please and riki tell everything",kai said amd riki did as asked laying out all the information includingthe deleted footage
"Well I don't believe,I cant until you give me some kind of proof cause of the past"yuna said
"I'll be taking my leave kai I need to look after y/n"yuna said
"Wait!,how is she?"riki asked frantically
"None of your buis-"yuna started,"yuna"kai cut her off
Yuna sighed and started again"not good",she said as riki could only look down
"Alright I'll be taking my leave now,yuna said and left
"Kai what do I do? I dont want to loose her again?"riki asked hisbhands holding his head
"What about yunjin?"kai asked all of a sudden
"I don't care about her and I'll make sure to not only fire her but ruin her whole life"riki said anger flooding his veins
"No wait she could be a great help"kai said
"Wait what?"riki asked but kai only smirked
"I'm only doing this for y/n"riki said coldly
"I know"kai said and soon they heard a knock on the door riki stayed quite so kai sighed and said "come in"
The door opened revealing yunjin
"Take a seat please"kai said gesturing the seat next to him
Yunjin did as said
"Well well well yunjin right?"kai asked leaning back on the chair making him self comfortable
"Yes" the girl said smirking
"Lets make this clear us 3 in this room"kai started
"We all know about what you have done"kai saod smirking
"What are you taking about?"yunjin said innocently but kai only laughed
"You're a good actor,ever tried auditioning?" Kai asked
"Me?"yunjin asked
"Yes,you"kai said still smirking
"Cut the act huh"riki said anger taking over him
"Riki"kai said lifting his hand up from the table
"As for you,huh yunjin daughter of the ceo of huh cooperates am I right?"kai said
"H-huh?"the girl stuttered
"So that means i was right"kai said
"H-how d-do yo-u kn-know this?"yunjin asked stuttering
"Before I answer you this have you perhaps heard of the huening cooperates?"kai asked
"Y-yes they are one of the top and most huge cooperates along with Nishimura cooperates the kims cooperates and the choi cooperates" the girl said as if it was a definition kai's smirk only widened at this
"Nice to meet you I'm huening kai the CEO of the huening cooperates and after that I hope you know how much of importance we have for the huh cooperates"kai said which shocked yunjin
"So huh we can do this the easy way or the hard way,you tell me everything and do as we say and then I will think about not making the huh cooperates go bankrupt but if you dont do as said then you can call yourself the reason of the downfall of your father"kai said as he leaned foward
"N-NO please I'll do anything" yunjin said as kai smiled in victory
"Great so how about we start with something simple,tell us why did you do all this?"kai asked coldly as he secretly gestured riki to start recording which the boy obeyed
"I did this because-"yunjin started
Cliff hanger hehe

FanfictionSeason 1 is Inspired by a youtube ff series Meet my fake girlfriend BTS jungkookff By justAGirl. Disclaimer:this fanfiction is a work of my imagination and is not in anway related to the idols real life and is not how the idols act and there is no i...