The girls gasped in shock looking at the view in front of them
There were 8 waiters standing in line they walked towards the girls and gave them envelopes with their names written on them
Each envelope had a room number written on it
The waiters then all lead them to the room written on their envelopes
Y/n was lead to room number 30
The waiter then simply left with out saying a word
Y/n knocked the door but got no answer she knocked again to get the same response
She took a deeo breath in and opened the door
She walked in the luxury looking room with a table in between with a candle kept in between it with a red rose and a neatly folded paper kept next to it
Y/n walked towards the table and picked the rose and the paper up
She opened it and read its contents
If you were to get a rose everytime you entered my heart I fear that a pretty girl like you might have only one rose for you have never left my heart and never will
N.R ;)Y/n smiled closing the letter before turning around as she heared a footsteps
Riki walked wearing a black suit alomg with black pants and a white shirt
He walked till they were less then a feet apart
In his hand he held a boquet of red roses that he held out for the girl to take
"But I can give you all the roses you deserve"riki smiled slightly making y/n chuckled
"Never knew you were of the romantic kind"y/n said as riki cuckled lowly
"I'm not but you're an exception"riki said holding the girl's waist bringing her closer to her
"Lets start again shall we?"riki asked as y/n nodded
Riki then let go of her waist before bowing in a royal way
"I'm riki and you m'lady?"riki asked af teasingly half seriously making y/n smile widely
"Y/n your majesty"y/n said bowing down making riki chuckle
"Lets have a seat?"riki asked as y/n nodded
Riki then pulled a chair out gesturing y/n to sit down
Riki then went around and sat down on the chair infront of her
"You look beautiful"riki said genuinely as he stared at the girls eyes
He reached out to hold her hand rubbing his thumb over her knuckles
Minji to was led to a room and she didn't know what exactly to expect
She entered the room after the waiter left to see a table in the middle of the room and on top of it rested a candle burning
Minji spotted a boquet of roses kept on a table next to a huge window and walked towards the table picking up the boquet
There was a tag attached to it with something written on it
She read the tag and smiled
A boquet of roses for the prettiest girl in the world
Soon someone walked and stood next to her making her look up
"Jay"she whispered looking up at the guy standing next to her
"You did all of this?"minji asked as jay nodded
"But why?how did you get my number?"minji asked still shocked
"Shhh"jay said putting his finger on his lips slightly making the girl's heart flutter
"No questions"he whispered
"But just to not seem creepy riki gave me your number"he said making the girl smile
"Shall we get seated m'lady?"jay asked putting his arm out for the girl
"We shall"minji chuckled as she connected her arm with his as he led the girl to the table
Jay pulled out the chair as minji sat on it before going towards the opposite side and sitting down aswell
"Lets order"jay said picking up the menu minji following suit
Once they were ready jay rang the bell kept on the side as the waiter entered the two ordered
Once done the two talked and got to know each other
Okay so this chapter started of good but I don't know what happened
Why do I not like this chapter?
Anyways I hope you enjoy this horrendous chapter

FanfictionSeason 1 is Inspired by a youtube ff series Meet my fake girlfriend BTS jungkookff By justAGirl. Disclaimer:this fanfiction is a work of my imagination and is not in anway related to the idols real life and is not how the idols act and there is no i...