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I sighed walking in to the office but this time not for work but to resign

I had told yuna everything and right now we are saying goodbyes to eachother

"He really had to fuckup huh?he is taking my bestfriend away from me,asshole"yuna said hugging me

"I'll miss you,stay in touch with me okay?I will expect a call everyday or atleast every alternative day or else I'll come to London to beat you myself"yuna said holding my hand and I nodded.

I'll be leaving for london tommorow right now I'm living in a hotel

I had already sold my apartment with the help of taki

I sighed as I went towards the lift

as soon as I got in I saw mr nishimura riki passing by but thankgod he didn't notice me

he was earlier then usual today

I got out and took one last look at the building I once used to call my workplace


I gave yuna one last hug before looking towards taki.

"Thankyou"I said a genuine smile covering my face as he ruffled my hair

"No problem"he said as I playfully glared at him

Flight number 127 for london boarding now passangers of the flight please come to the boarding area thankyou

"That's my flight"I said

I one last time said my goodbyes to them and boarded the plane.

Soon the plane started to go up as I leaned back in my seat rememberomg all that happend under 6 months

It was good while it lasted and it will forever last in my memory

But for now

A new beginning I guess?


After what seemed like hours I finally reached london

"Y/N!"I looked towards the source of the  voice

It was Kei my cousin.

"Kei!"I shouted slightly running towards him and hugging him.

"How are you?"I asked him as soon as both of us let go.

"Good what about you?",he asked.

"Good aswell"I lied


"You'll be here for ever this time?"he asked hopefully

as we sat on the couch drinking coffee Along with his wife aera they have been married for about 2 years now

"Nope for now I am here for a few years"I told him

Kei was my older cousin his parents adopted me when my parents died

Both of us are like siblings we fight alot but also care for eachother

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Both of us are like siblings we fight alot but also care for eachother.

All three of us talked and joked around catching up on everything


"Wow these years passed by so fast look at you leaving tommorow"Kei said dramatically.

"K don't be so dramatic please you are about to get your posting for back to korea soon you'll see her again"aera rolled her eyes as she caressed her baby bump

Yes she is 7 months pregnant.

"Aww Im sad I wouldn't be the first person see the baby when she will be here"I spoke pouting.

"Don't pout you look ugly"kei said rolling his eyes

"dOn'T pOuT yOu LoOk UgLy"I mocked him.

"Hey"kei said as he chased me around the house.

"Aish these kids"Aera said shaking her head.

"HEY!"both me and K stoped as we looked at the soon to be mother laughing hardly


Flight number 256 for seoul boarding now passangers of the flight please come to the boarding area thankyou.

"That's my flight",I spoke hugging kei and aera

"You better call me everyday like you used to and tell me when you reach there"Kei  said ruffling my hair.

"Okay and you take care of aera and send me the pictures of the baby or else I'll fly back to london just to beat you up"I threatened as he nodded

"Take care aera do send me pictures of the baby and keep me updated"I told her hugging her.

"Alright byeeeee"arera and kei said

"byeeee see you soon"I said before boarding the plane

Soon the plane took off.

I have stayed in touch with yuna and taki and we 3 are now actually good friends.

Taki found someone better rei

They are now engaged for 6 months.

Taki had forgived riki after hearing his side of the story

Eunchae had forcefully kissed him when he went to end the bet

Yuna also told me that he changed back to his old self if not worser

"Maybe all that really affected him,give him a chance maybe?"

Those words kept on ringing through my head

Was it really because of me?


Its almostttttt the enddddd

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