"Kai where are we going?"riki asked
"Get in your car and follow me"kai said getting in his car
Riki followed and went to his car quickly
The 2 drove off one following the other
They stopped infront of y/n's apartment leaving riki more confused
The two parked their cars and ran towards y/n's apartment
Kai knocked the door and almost a second later the door was opened by yuna she looked at kai and then riki before quickly letting the two in
The entered and saw y/n laying on the sofa
The 3 ran towards her
"What happened to her?"riki asked checking the girl's pulse
"I'll explain right now lets take her to the hospital"yuna said as riki picked her up
"Put her in my car"kai said and riki nodded
Wasting no time they quickly left
Upon reaching the hospital this time kai picked y/n up and rushed her inside both riki and yuna following behind him
After half an hour or so the doctor came out
"What's wrong with her?"yuna asked the moment the doctor stepped out as the 3 surrounded the doctor
"This sometimes happens when the patient is told about their past though the exhaustion was also a leading factor here but nothing much she'll be good to go once she wakes up"the doctor said making yuna sigh in relif
"Thankyou so much"yuna thanked as the doctor simply tapped her shoulder and gave a smile before leaving
The 3 then went inside the room walking next to the unconscious girl
"Don't feel bad riki this time it was all of us"kai said as he noticed the look of extreme guilt on his face
"I don't know,I shouldnt have over worked her,revenge blinded me"riki sighed as he kicked the chair bext to her bed slightly
"I dont know how I didn't realise her memory was gone"riki said furstrated
"It's fine riki we are all in this together we'll helpher recover her memories"yuna said still looking at y/n
After nearly 2 hours of being unconscious y/n started to wake up
Yuna and kai had gone to buy food while riki stayed
Riki noticed the girl waking up after seeing her hand move slightly as he stood up amd bent down slightly looking at her waking up
"Y/n youre awake!"he exclaimed softly
"Mr-""just call me riki"riki said as he held on pf the girl's hand and ran his thumb over her knuckles
"Where am I?"y/n asked as she got up with riki's help nefkre leaning against the pillow riki had set up
"The hospital"riki said softly as he sat infront of her facing her
"Oh"was all y/n could say as the memories of what happened before she fainted came back
The two sat in a comfortable silence not daring to look at each other
"We're back-oh y/n You're awake!"yuna exclaimed rushing next to her while kai followed her with plastic bags in his hands
Kai put the stuff on the table next to the hospital bed while yuna stood to rhe opposite side of the bed holding the girl's other hand
"Are you doing better?does something hurt?"yuna asked
"I'm fine"y/n answered shooking her head
"Lets eat then"kai said taking out the food containers
"You are definetly not staying alone for now"yuna said looking at y/n
"She can stay at mine"riki said and now all attention was on him
"Plus I have some cousins over so she wont feel bored for the time she'll stay"riki spoke
Yuna was reluctant but sighed and nodded"fine"she said as kai wrapped his arm around her
"You know you really don't- nevermind"y/n cut herself off when she saw the stern looks the 3 were giving her
You all really waited alot for this one

FanfictionSeason 1 is Inspired by a youtube ff series Meet my fake girlfriend BTS jungkookff By justAGirl. Disclaimer:this fanfiction is a work of my imagination and is not in anway related to the idols real life and is not how the idols act and there is no i...