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Y/n sat in her room working when someone knocked her office door

"Come in"she said without looking up still focused on her work

"Miss y/n sir park's assistant has informed me that he wanted to meet you in his office pronto"y/n's assistant spoke making y/n look up

"Tell my driver to get the car ready then I'll be out in a while"Y/n said getting up

"Yes maam"the assistant bowed and leftto do what she was told too

Y/n checked her bag to see of all her belongings were there and then zipped it up before leaving the office

Her heels clicked as everyone looked up to admire the successful young lady who passed on genuine smiles to each of jer workers as she walked gracefully and humbly as of she wasnt the reason why the company was in in the top 5

Looking through her accomplishments you would think that she was probably entitled but no she wasn't

Infact that was a part of her strategies staying humble and making sure her workers have the best work environment

She reached the car sitting at the back seat signalling her driver to drive

The car ride went smoothly as the two had conversations here and there

Upon reaching y/n's door was held open by one of the guards of the building

Y/n got out bowingto the older to show her respect and greatfulness

She then walked into the building in a professional manner

The sounds of her heel clicking made everyone look to see the girl walking

Shivers ran down everyones spine since they really didn't know the girl well enough to know how the young lady actually was

She walked to the ceos office knocking the door and then entering when allowed

"Good morning Mr park I believe you needed to talk to me"y/n said looking at the man sitting on his table going working

Upon hearing her voice the man looked up tp the standing girl gesturing her to sit down on the chair infront of her

"Yes miss jeon glad you could make it"jay spoke closing the files as he took off his glasses

His coat sat neatly on the sofa situated towards the right of the room

"I had a few....well how do you say it.....news to tell you?"he said but it came out as a question

"I'm all ears"y/n spoke

"Great so firstly there will be a buisness party that will be held this Friday and I want you to come" jay started as the girl simply nodded

"And well apart from that we have been in talks with the nishimura cooperatives to combine the your project with their new project"jay spoke as he carefully examined the girl's expression

The confident expression of the girl dropped ever so slightly but nevertheless she nodded

"You'll reamain the ceo but would be a little more connected to their ceo for atleast a while"he continued carefully

Y/n simply nodded,"alright thankyou for informing me"she said with a neutral  expression making jay surprised

"Do you have any issues with this?"jay asked

"No actually I belive this will be a great advantage for everyone involved"y/n said as jay took the hint and decided not to push it

"Alright then thats it my assistant will send your assistant all the details" jay said as y/n got up

"I'll take my leave"y/n said standing up and shaking hands with the taller guy before leaving


Y/n took a deep breath closing her eyes while the driver drove her back to her office

Whatever the universe was deciding to do she hoped it was going to be good

She was too tired to go through another heartbreak

Even the strongest people need a break

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