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Y/N pov

I was sitting in the bedroom chilling on my phone while riki was in the washroom taking a shower.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door.

"Come in"I spoke.

"Oh mr's nishimura"I stood up bowing to her.

"Oh no no honey,I was here to bring you out to meet some guests,where is riki?"she asked

"He went to take a shower"I told her

"Riki knce you're done come outside to meet the guests"mrs nishimura spoke loudly.

"Ok"riki spoke from the washroom.

"Alright honey lets go",mrs nishimura spoke holding my hand as we left the room.


I had already met the guests

And now I was standing near a window looking at the view outside

"Whats a pretty lady like you doing alone?"a deep voice spoke.

I turned to my side to see a boy rather older than me was standing there holding two glasses of juices

"Hi there,the name is sangwon"he spoke giving me a cup of juice.

"Thankyou"I said awkwardly accepting the drink.

"And your name?",he asked

"Jeon Y/N"I said awkwardly taking a sip of my juice.

"your name suits you it pretty just like you"he said as I smiled.

"There you are,babe I was looking for you every where"a fimillar deep voice spoke amf I felt a hand on my waist making me freeze.

Damn these butterflies

"Oh riki how are you?"sangwon asked.

"Lovely now If you would exuse me and MY GIRLFRIEND mom is calling us"RIki spoke emphasising the 'my girlfriend' part as both of us left.

He took me to our room as he locked the door.

I sighed but soon enough got a wave of shock when riki walked super close to me

"e-excuse me"I said taking a step back

"What were you doing there?flirting with my cousin huh?"he said

"No?and even if I was why do you even care?we are not a real couple anyways"I spoke shrugging

"I-"he started but soon closed his mouth.

He then went towards the door opening it and then went out slamming the door slightly.

I sighed as i sat on the bed

everyone was starting to leave anyways.


It had been a couple hours since riki didnot come back to the room

I was kinda worried but knew that he wasn't somewhere outside as his car keys were still in the room.

I sighed getting up as I left the room to look for him.

I checked different rooms this was one big mansion

Suddenly when walking around the corridor I heard water splashes from somewhere outside.

I followed the noise to see a swimming pool outside but no one was there

I swear I heard some splashes.

I turned around to leave

when I got near the door I heard those splashes again

What the hell

I slowly turned around as I saw someone wearing black clothes inside the pool

I swear that wasnt there about a minute ago.

I slowly walked towards the pool near to whatever or whoever that was

As soon as I reached near the pool someone took my hand and pulled me inside the pool.

My back hit a chest

I was about to scream when that person kept a hand on my mouth stopping me  from doing so.

The person then turned me around so that I was facing them

and what do you know it was nishimura riki

I took a sigh of relief as I splashed him with water.

"Hey"he said as he tried to protect himself from the water splashes.


Be then held my wrists preventing me from splashing more water on him.

"Alright I'm sorry,you're such baby"he said laughing slightly as we stared at eachother.

Then a staring contest between both of us began before he splashed me water.

"Hey you cheated"I said splashing water at him too.

Both of us continued to play for god knows how long

"Alright I guess thats enough come on lets go back"I spoke as I tried to get out of the pool

Key word:tried

I was again pulled back to his embrace my face facing him this time.

I looked at riki who was staring right back at me.

He then leaned closer to me

My heart was beating fast as butterflies danced in my stomach.

He leaned even closer

as I saw his eyes flicking towards my lips.

We stayed like this for about 5 minutes before he pulled away.

"Yeah lets go"he said getting out the pool as I kept a hand on my chest.

"Y/N lets go"riki spoke again softly as I nodded.

I got out the pool as both of us went to our room.

??? Pov

"Good game nishimura riki,I see you working hard".



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