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The girls were getting ready while y/n scrolled through her phone while chatting with yuna too who was out of the country for some work when one of the workers came with company

"Miss y/n someone is here to meet you" making y/n look up confused which soon changed into shock

"Minji!"y/n exclaimed while the worker bowed and left

Y/n hugged the older as shs hugged back

"Are you doing better?"minji asked as y/n nodded

"Come lets sit"y/n said pulling the girl to the couch

The girls talked for a few minutes till hanni came out if her room first

"Oh we have a new addition?"hanni asked giving the two a smile while y/n nodded

"She's minji we met at the company"y/n introduced the girl as minji waved

Hanni joined the two as they talked and one by one all the girls came

"Lets go then and oh y/n riki told me to give you this and tell you to use this for shopping"haerin said passing the black card to y/n who took it slightly shocked

(Ok so I changed Danielle too haerin idk it just works)

While haerin gave y/n the card jay who was leaving for somewhere noticed the girls standing

"You guys are going somewhere?"jay asked as his eyes stuck on the new girl

"Yeah shopping"wonyoung nodded

"Want me to accommodate you?"jay asked his eyes were still on minji who was now super shy and blushing alot while chaeryeong slightly nudged y/n giving her a knowing look as the two smirked

"Sure we could use an extra driver" chaeryeong said pulling both minji and y/n with her

Chaeryeong minji and y/n sat in jay's car while the others went to different cars

After an hour drive they reached the mall

"Oh shit minji didn't know we'll be shopping today"chaeryeong said making jay look at her through the rare view mirror (Idk if its right but i meant the mirror at the top center of the car ifykwi)

Chaeryeong gave him a look that said "I'm setting you up with her dont mess it up"

"Oh here"jay said taking out his black card giving it to minji who shook her hands

"Oh no you don't have-thankyou" chaeryeong cut of minji and took his card

"We'll see you later byyeee"chaeryeing said as the 3 left the car

"Hey y/n is like jay you know"minji whispered in a knowing tone

"Yeah and we're setting you up with him just let us take the flow"y/n said making minji blush

The girls then spent a few hours just shopping

At first both y/n and minji were reluctant to use someone else's money but they soon gave in after the girls kept on telling them that it was fine and the boys themselves gave it to them

After a few hours of shopping the girls decided to take a break and eat before continuing shopping gain


"Hey girls should we do something a little crazy?"rei asked as the girls looked at her

"Like what?"ryujin asked

"Changing our looks slightly I know this wonderful salon dow the road"rei said as ths girls looked at eachother and nodded

"Sure"they said and left the mall after giving their stuff to the workers

Fortunately the salon was able to fit all of them in

All of the girls got a haircut and their nails done and some facials and a few other treatments like like temporary  lipstick and blush tattoos just for fun

After 4 hours they were done as they checked eachother out

"You know girls we look to good  to not be taken out a date"ryujin said as she checked herself out in the mirror

"How about we dont let them see us till they take us on a date?"wooyoung asked smirking

"I like the way you think"hanni said

"To the hotel then"chaeryeong said as the girls payed and left

The girls went to nearest hotel and booked three rooms to stay in

They had already brought clothes so didn't have to worry on what to wear

The girls took a shower and were now all in   y/n,minji and haerin's shared room

By bow the guys had called the girls atleast 10 times

"I guess we should call them back now"ryujin said making the girls nodd


This chapter was sm fun to write

I love this chapter sm please

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