Eddie comforts you and gives payback (os)

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Eddie saw you crying about something while being at his house
(Or whatever you want it to be because i have no clue again 😭) I did it that you and Steve were dating and he cheated on you 💀
"Hey y/n?" I hear Eddie say behind me.

I turn around and pull my sleeves up and wipe my tears quickly .

"Hi Eddie." I sniffle trying to hide that I was crying.

"Your eyes look a little red..you okay?" He asks concerned.

"Yeah it's nothing." I manage to pull a little smile as more tears start to form in my eyes.He walks up to me as soon as he noticed I was getting more tears.

"Come here." He said opening his arms , I wrap my arms around his waist placing my head into his shoulder as the tears flow down my cheeks.his arms around my waist pulling me closer to his chest.

"What happened?"He asks me softly.

"It's Steve.." I mumble after a few seconds still keeping my head In his shoulder.

"What did he do ?" He asks concerned. I felt him play with a strand of my hair as I cried more.

".....He cheated." I say with my voice breaking i start to cry even more and my body began to shake a little while I carry on digging my head into his shoulder , he starts to hold me much tighter.

"Look at me." He says softly
My eyes met his and both his hands found there way to my face wiping my hot tears away and proceed to cup my cheeks.
"Steve is an asshole as always , he doesn't deserve you y/n , it's his loss." He says softly smiling at me as I smile back.

"Now if you will excuse me." He moves me to the side kissing my forehead quickly.
"..i have some stuff to deal with." He carried on while walking to a shelf and grabbing his keys to his van.

"What are you going to do Eddie?" I ask curiously.
"You'll see sweetheart , while I'm gone make yourself at home Hm?" He smiles before leaving through the door.
I was so confused at that moment, I sighed to myself and rubbed my hand on my head walking to the living room and make myself comfortable on the couch. I layed with my head resting against a pillow as I watch the Tv trying to distract myself. A few minutes later I felt my eyes slowly shutting and before i knew it I dozed off completely.

Eddie came back home after about an hour or so and noticed you asleep on the couch. He walked over pulling a blanket over you and kissed your forehead.
"Goodnight y/n" He said quietly stroking your hair and went to do his own stuff.

Time skip:
The next morning:
I wake up my eyes barely opening because of the dry tears from last night, I sit up rubbing my face and trying to process everything I was still at Eddie's. What God damn time is it ? I thought to myself. I pushed the blanket off and looked at the clock on the wall. 9:12 . Shit.shit.shit.
I run over to Eddie's room with his door open but I stop before waking him up just admiring him, he seemed so peaceful and his hair surrounding his face made him look cute in a way.

"EDDIE." I shouted a little at him so he would wake up. No sign. I try again; but still nothing but silence. Right I say to myself , looking around the room I grab a pillow and throw it on his face.


"JESUS CHRIST WHAT HAPPENED." He shot up finally awake.


"OH SHIT." He pulls his duvey off him revealing him being shirtless and trips a little over his own feet. I stare for a moment at his bare chest.

"I know you like what you are seeing right now but we don't have time you can do that later." He says quickly smiling at you.

"Yeah..,YEAH sorry I'll give you some privacy." I say turning round and heading back to the living room.
"LETS GO ." He said loudly running out of the door to his van and nearly tripping again while being still half asleep, leaving you to close the door.

You both get in the van putting your seatbelts on, you look over to him and notice he has some toothpaste left on the corner of his mouth and start to laugh a little .

"What what's so funny?" He says confused looking at you.

"You have a bit of toothpaste left on your mouth."

"Oh really ? Want me me fucking spit it on you I'll fucking spit it on you." He starts to laugh a little after and begins to drive full speed. You notice his knuckles they're all red and have some blood on them.

"What happened here ?" You say confused.

"Where ? OH...it's nothing don't worry." He replies smiling and looking back at the road. You shrugged it off and thought nothing of it for awhile.After a few minutes of talking you finally arrived and Eddie parked a little wonky because of the rush.

"This will do cmon" He quickly un does his seatbelt and leaves the van as you do the same.

"I'll see you at break ?" He asks before heading of to his lesson fixing his shirt a little.

"Yeah ." We smile and both head to our lessons.
-time skip-

At break :
I walked through the corridors heavy books against my chest looking around and noticed steve, his face was all bruised and he had a black eye, he looked back at me and we made eye contact giving each other nothing but empty stares, and that's when it clicked. Eddie's bloody knuckles, him leaving at night to do something. I didn't know how i was feeling, happy that Eddie stuck up for me or mad or shocked at him ?? but on the other hand it was nice of Eddie And Steve surely deserved it. I carried on walking to my lesson.
Break time:

I went over to the hellfire table as Eddie waved at me from a distance. I came over and sat down next to him.

"Eddie ?" I ask

"Yea?" He replies looking up at me.

"Did you beat up Steve..?"
He paused for a moment not knowing what to say.

"Well... not exactly beat him up."

"What do you mean Eddie his face is literally covered in bruises." I say.
"That also explains your knuckles that you told me not to worry about when i asked.

"I know , I know im sorry it just got to me."

" it's fine honestly he did deserve it but don't you think you went a little overboard with your "punching skills" ?"

"NAH he'll be fine." He smiles at me as I do the same back.

(Yeah that's uh something for you)Also if you have requests or ideas please comment them :)

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(Yeah that's uh something for you)
Also if you have requests or ideas please comment them :)

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