snowball fight request (os)

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Request by :BlueLaufeyson
You and Eddie have a snowball fight and drink hot cocoa after.

"EDDIEE!!." You yell from the living room.
You roll your eyes and start shouting his name again.
Nothing in response. You sigh and stand up walking to his room.

"Seriously?" You say to yourself standing near the doorframe seeing him sleeping again.

"EDDIE." You shout for the 3rd time which just made him turn around the other way.

"OMG you are actually such a pain to wake up." You said under your breath. You came closer to him and layed next to him on the bed starting to play with his hair.

"Eds." You whisper to him.

"Mm?" He replies smiling being awake but still with his head in the pillows.

"Wake the fuck up." You say hittimg him playfully on his shoulder because you knew what he was doing. He carried on "sleeping" more like pretending to be dead to not go and do stuff.

"That's it." You say after a few seconds grabbing your spray from your bedside table and starting to spray him everywhere.

"HEY OKAY OKAY Y/N IM AWAKE." He said loudly putting his hands near his face.

"Now I'm all wet because of your fucking spray or whatever." He says annoyed wiping the wet drops of his face.

"You wouldn't get up, I had no choice." You say smiling.

He rolls his eyes and yawns.

"We have nowhere to go today you could've joined me in bed." He complained leaning his back against the wall of the bed with his hands behind his head.

"Look outside it's snowing."

"Hawkins?? Snowing??" He replies with a confused expression.
You Nod your head

"Are you sure your not high ?" He asks not believing a word you just said.

"Yes go check for yourself." You reply

he gets up and walks over to the window lifting up a blind to reveal the outside. He was standing shirtless and in only his boxers god this guy was so hot. Ice cold snowflakes kept falling to the ground,as kids were running around building snowmans and playing snowball fights.he turns around

"Am I high ? Or what?" He says turning back round again and checking for the 2nd time.

"Let's go outside." You say smiling having your knees support your balance on the edge of the bed.
He turns to look at you and doesn't know if you're serious or not.

"Outside? There ?" He asks pointing back to the window.

"No way uh nonono" He says coming closer to you now standing right infront of you .

"Eddie cmon don't be boring we haven't had snow in ages." You begged him again and again and his responce was always no. You wrapped your arms around his neck and his arms found there way to your bare waist as you were wearing a black crop top with shorts .

"Please?" You say again looking up at him while he looks deeply into your eyes.He took a moment to admire your face for a second and then replied.

"Okay fine."

"YES FINALLY." You say excitedly your arms more tighter around his neck this time pulling yourself more closer to him while he picks you up unexpectedly and has you on his waist making you wrap your legs around him , his lips moved towards yours moving perfectly with every move , his other hand stroking your cheek with his thumb.

You break the kiss and get off him.
"Cmon then."
You say as you both smile and you run off to the corridor to open a door with all your coats in. You grab both coats and run back to Eddie's room seeing him sitting on his bed already putting his jeans on,you throw the coat on his face and start putting yours on.

"Y/n." He says blankly.

"HURRY UP." You reply rushing him excited to go outside.

"Jesus christ y/n the snow isn't going to melt in a few minutes." He said finally putting a coat on him.

"Ready?" You ask him already standing finished.

"Yeah I guess." He replies zipping his coat up.

You went over and grabbed his hand pulling him out the door and locking it behind you hearing him let out a groan because he doesn't want to go outside.
He stares for a moment while your locking the door already wanting to go back inside. You turn around and  proceed to drag him by his arm to the park and a few minutes later made a snowball while he was distracted walking and complaining. You throw it onto the back of his coat nearly reaching his head. He turns around and sees you laughing to yourself.
"Oh your on y/n." He said confidently making a snowball quickly and throwing it at you while you tried to dodge it but it didn't work.
"EDDIE!" You say laughing
"WHAT YOU DID IT YOURSELF TO ME." He smiles throwing another two at you hitting you on your
You bent down and grabbed more snow to make more snowballs and started throwing a lot at Eddie as he tried hiding behind trees.

20 minutes later your snowball fight was still going on until Eddie accidently hit you in your face with one.

"OW." You say looking at him and quickly grabbing one and throwing it at his face for payback.

"Sorry didn't mean too you okay ?" He asks laughing.

"Your not going to be okay in a second munson." You say making more snowballs and throwing at him with more force.

-------------------time skip--------------------

"Fuck y/n you got me exercising over here." Eddie says panting from all the running with his hands on his knees.

"Want to go back home and make hot chocolate?"You ask

"Yes yes let's go back home." He says excitedly running up and tossing you over his shoulder making you let out a little scream as you grip his coat with your hands at the back kicking your feet trying to be put back on ground. It wasn't that long of a walk and Eddie finally put you down near his trailer. He opened the door and let's you in first. You zip of your coat and hang it on a hanger in one of the wardrobes while he takes his shoes of.
You both fall onto the couch in the living room tired from all the running  you guys did .

"Fun wasn't it?" You ask looking over to him with your head leaned back.

"Yeah to be honest, but here is better."
He says smiling.

"OH I NEARLY FORGOT." He says loudly standing up and walking over to the follow him and see he is starting to make hot chocolate. You walk over and notice He got some cocoa powder on his finger he then decided to rubbed it on your nose chuckling to himself a little.
You roll your eyes at him smiling.

"All ready." He said smiling grabbing your cup and handing it over to you.
You both lean against the kitchen counter and drink your hot chocolate whilst also discussing a few stuff.
When you finished you went over to his room and went under the covers soon to see Eddie jumping onto the bed pulling them of you.

"EDDIE IM COLD." You say.

"Sorry what?" He smirks to himself falling onto his back on the matrass.
You move yourself onto his chest as his hand goes over your back gently stroking up and down and grabbing the covers over the both of you.

"Goodnight eds." You say quietly against his chest.
"Goodnight sweetheart." He smiles to himself and kisses your head.

(Sorry it took to long to upload i was at the beach , anyways I hope this is fine and makes up for the long update lmao ,anymore requests are welcome :)

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