roadtrip with Eddie (some spice)

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Eddie was comforting you when he found you crying outside sitting on a porch after his d&d club and offered to go on a late night drive.

"I promise you .." him placing his hand onto mine our fingers now interlocking together;we stared deeply into eachothers eyes enjoying the moment.

"Thank you." I say breaking the silence.

"For what ?"

"For listening to me unlike others.."

"Hey, hey chin up sweetheart.." he puts his finger under my chin lifting my face." you can come to me whenever you need even if I'm busy ill still find time to talk to you."

I smile and lay my head on his shoulder he lays his head on mine.

"Hey so random question do you like anyone at the moment?" He asked quickly.

I giggled a little. "Yeah.."

"Mind telling me who it is..?" He looks at me with his soft brown eyes pulling a charming smile, what did this guy do to me omg.

"Mhmm I don't think they will like me back though I mean they always call me dude in a good way in school sometimes and we don't talk much anyways ." I say avoiding eye contact looking into the distance.

"Dude cmon I'm sure they- ." He stopped and realised what he said and what you just said.

"Wait- wait-.." he spoke.
He looks at you with a smile plastered on his face knowing what you just did, he was left speechless, shocked, happy. Your eyes made eye contact again and after a few seconds He takes no time and cups your cheeks with both hands and leans into a kiss , your lips moving perfectly with his ,you having butterflies in your stomach and your hands wrapped around his neck. This is exactly what you needed comfort and love . The 2 feelings you haven't had in a while. Both of you broke the kiss for some air looking eachother in the eyes.

"I like you too y/n." He said smiling
You lean in one more time and kiss him more deeply than the first kiss , you can't believe this is happening to you.

"Hey Eddie I wanted to a-." Dustin was walking towards you both while looking down at his paper not realising you were there too. You both quickly move away from eachother as soon as you heard a voice not knowing what to do.

"OMG..EDDIE! Y/N?!? EDDIE MY SISTER REALLY ?!?!" He shouts in shock.

"Dustin it's not a big deal okay?" Eddie replies to him and looking back at me making sure i agree with him raising an eyebrow.i nod.

"I cannot believe my eyes. What did did just see...I- i need some time goodbye guys." Dustin rapidly turned around and walked off with his head in his hands.

"Shit I think we just traumitized my little brother." I laugh.

"Eh he'll get over it." Eddie smiles pulling me into another kiss having his hand on my neck and the other on my waist while my arms are wrapped around his neck.

Eddie asked me between kisses ,moving down to my neck getting ready to place a hickey.

"Mhm." I say as he finds my sweet spot. He stands up and takes my hand and quickly walks over to his van.
He turns the car on as well as the music, i put it louder each time and we both sometimes shouted the lyrics while having our windows down and wind blowing in our faces.

He places his hand on your thigh and starts stroking his finger against your skin tracing circles and random spirals , this absolutely made your stomach flip . You grab hold of his hand and hold it until you have arrived to a place.

"Where are we ?" You ask

"Oh just this place where you can see the stars....cmon." He exclaimed as he came out of his side door and went over to your's.
He offers you his hand and you take it putting his fingers with yours.

You both run with Eddie leading you to his "Awesome" place as he likes to call it.

"Here." He says panting after running for a minute,placing his hands on his knees and falling to the ground pulling you with him; you let out a small scream and landed on top of Eddie who was surrounded by empty fields and plants.

" You know this is the most fun I've had in the last week." You say playing with his hair and looking at his lips back to his eyes.

"Me too especially after a tiring school day." He smiles stroking your hair At the back.

" I never actually thought we would've hanged out until now." You say.

"Well look at how the tables have turned." He chuckled.
Now both of your eyes are focused on each others lips and switching back to the eyes.
Quickly he presses his lips on yours and switches his place so that he is on top,having his hand on your cheek trailing to your neck and the other on your waist going up to your back.
Your hands were around his waist pulling him closer to your chest and his head moved to the crook of your neck leaving you another hickey. You pull apart after awhile and lay seperatly catching your breath. He scooted closer to you and put his hand under your head.

You spent a few minutes star gazing while talking about stuff. you started to shift and moved yourself onto his lap, your legs on each side while he sat up taking hold of your waist as your hands moved to his shoulders .

"If I'm honest, I love this moment right now." Eddie whispered.

"Me too." You chuckle at the start , smiling at him. You move yourself onto him a bit more almost grinding and you hear a small groan come from under his breath as his arms tightened around your waist, you give him a playful smirk. He kissed you passionately and you bit his lip slowly at the end of the kiss.

"Don't start what you can't finish sweetheart." His voice deeper while stroking his thumb against your cheek.

"I have no clue what your on about." I say smiling.

-------------------------time skip------------------

We got back to our car and realised we were the only ones here . The rest had gone ages ago.
"Seems like we are the only ones." He says as he is putting his seatbelt on ready to drive again.
"Yeah, hold on I need to do something real quick." You say . His facial expression puzzled as you also got out the car , he looks into the mirror and sees you walking towards his door.
You open it

"You wanna relax for abit longer ?" You say smirking.
He smirks back knowing exactly what's about to happen. Before he answers you unclip his seatbelt and climb onto his lap as you close the door next to you.

"Mh I already like how this is going." He grabs your waist pulling you closer as you slowly grind on him making him groan quietly, He pulls your shirt off leaving you with only just a black bra and shorts. He grabs your face carefully and his lips move against yours . While kissing he unclipped your bra from behind tossing it in the car somewhere, his head leans into your neck sucking on your sweet spot , you moan quietly against his ear, you start to take his shirt of and unbuckle his belt ,tossing his clothes to the side . You were both now left with nothing but a pair of underwear.


Also if you have any requests then comment them cause I'm running out of ideas 😭😭

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