Chapter One

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     Me and Randy hadn't always been friends. We met in the 3rd grade when he struggled to write his journal assignment about his favorite hobby. I saw tears starting to swell in his tiny eyes as he got more and more frustrated. "Do you want help?" My small voice spoke. He nodded his head moving over to face me.

"So, what's your favorite hobby?" His eyes lit up as he went into a full lecture about horror movies and why they are the best. I was detested by the mention of horror movies, I had always preferred romance. Which he detested. Our friendship had bloomed over an argument over which genre was better.

     RING RING! The phone snapped me out of my thought as I turned my head to face the side table next to the couch. I looked at the clock, "who would be calling at 9:00?" I picked up and brought the phone towards my ear. "Hello?" I questioned. "Hey, Y/N! I was wondering if you wanted to come over to watch a movie?"

Casey Becker, I've known her since the 3rd grade when she was a new student. We grew apart as we got older, gaining separate groups but still remained as close as we could.

"Sorry, I promised Randy I would hang out with him tonight, it's a planned sleepover." The disappointed sigh hit me through the phone as she continued, "Just ask him out already!" I let out a laugh as I put my head back laying on the top of the couch. "Ha ha, very funny, but we all know I don't make the first move." She scoffed, "Boring! Do you think I got Steve with waiting? No. So, you shouldn't either."

I laughed and pulled my head back up, "Okay, well I think I hear him now, I'm gonna go confess." "Okay, have fun!" "You too!" I replied as a beep had ended the call. I placed the phone back and rolled my head around, I looked at the clock and got up walking to my front door. Almost as if, on cue, Randy pulled up in his old green broken down car. I grabbed my bag and opened the door. "Bye, mom and dad!" They both yelled bye from their designated places and I walked out the door.

      I heard the 'New Kids on the Block,' song, 'I'll be loving you (forever)' as I got close to the car. I rolled my eyes and got in throwing my bag in the back. "What movie?" I asked annoyed, Randy looked at me with his piercing blue eyes, looking like the night sky with the dimming of the car hood. "Who said we are going to be watching movies tonight?"

I felt my face heat up as my mind went dirty, I looked down at my feet trying to calm down from the thought. "Fine, you got me. Prom Night. I'm in a Jamie kind of mood." I rolled my eyes immediately losing my fluster. "I knew you were going to pull this. And you are always in a Jamie Mood."

He laughed as he carefully pulled out of the driveway, "so hows are your parents?" I looked out the window as we went down the street. "Good as usual, tomorrow they are going on another business trip, this time with Sidney's dad, so we are just going to stay at Tatum's house tomorrow." I felt Randy's eyes look from me back to the road.

"How about yours?" He let out a sigh, "Fine, they are on a date night tonight, and Martha's at a sleepover so you are allowed to scream into my arms as much and *loud* as you want." I scoffed, "More like the other way around." Although I know what I was saying was not true at all, I never wanted to admit I got scared. I would end up playing off like I was trying to scare him. "Mhmm." He replied as I continued listening to the NKOTB album.

     I knew Randy's home like it was my own. I went down into the basement while he got popcorn, his room was always comfortable, dark but lit up with Christmas lights. The walls were covered in movie posters, some actually signed. His bed was nicely made, with a pull-out mattress next to it. He always gave me his bed like a doof.

I walked over to the bed placed my bag next to it and jumped on it. The tv across from the bed was propped up dangerously on a stack of books. Large speakers placed around it. I laid back on the bed, waiting for Randy. His scent smothered me, as my face, was against his pillows. I took a deep breath before placing myself up again as I heard footsteps. "Got yourself comfy right on my bed, huh?" I smiled, "just hurry already."

      After, watching 'Prom Night' and me clinging to Randy very closely, we decided to sleep. He got dressed in his red and black pajama pants and a Halloween t-shirt with Micheal Myers. I asked him for a t-shirt since his are always more comfortable, so he gave in. I wore some pajama shorts and his Jamie Lee "Scream Queen," T-shirt.

     "I hate you for this, you know?" I said as I placed myself on his bed covering myself with his fluffy black duvet. "You look good in it though." I got flustered again and laid down aggressively. "I think your bed has lice. Oh wait, that would explain why you are so stupid, blood loss." I smiled as he scoffed and put his middle finger up. I eventually ended up dozing off instead of admiring Randy's sleeping face.

963 words

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