Chapter Ten

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     After the eventful hour before curfew, Randy quickly finished his last cart and apologized to Will, which took a bit of convincing. He quickly got out of his work shirt and changed back into his green one. "Ready to go, babe?" Randy said making me surprised. Babe. I still couldn't believe I could say that now. "I love that," I said smiling. "What?" Randy said looking curiously at me entering the front part of the store from the back. "The babe. I just can't believe it." I said smiling as he walked over and put his arm around my waist pulling me in tightly. "Well, babe, let's go. You got the videos?" I lifted up the bag of movies in reply as we started to walk out of the store. 

     Randy turned the lights out and locked the door behind us. As we stepped fully out of the store, a small amount of wind left me shivering. Woodsboro always got cold at night, but as I looked around seeing the empty streets as the only light was emanating from some street lights, the hairs on my neck rose. Woodsboro was probably the perfect place for a horror movie. The aesthetics were perfect. Another gush of wind hit me, making me shiver again. I needed to remember to start carrying around jackets since it's getting closer to the fall. 

     Randy took notice and took his jacket off and held it in front of me. "Here." He announced, propping it up so I can slip my arms in. I did as prompted and smiled. The coat was warm, just like him. "Thank you." He nodded in response and took my hand. We quickly walked to his car, crossing the empty bare dark street. The fog was rolling in, as the light mist hit my face. As I opened the door and began to sit inside, he stopped and started to tap his pant pockets with his palms. "Shit, I forgot something." I looked up at him through his car door, "What?" I asked making him look over and sigh. "My wallet. I need it, cause of my driver's license." I nodded and started to shift to move back out of the car, "Nah, you are safer in the car, just lock the doors until I get back."

     I swallow nervously, I didn't want to be left alone, but I knew Randy was right. It was unlikely the killer was going to walk around but it was a chance he didn't want me to take. I nodded before he closed the door, and started to run towards the store. I locked the doors and sighed as the cold air made my teeth clack. I looked back at the store to see the door open. Hurry up, Randy. I looked down at my feet and check my shoes. My eyes went wide as I heard a tap on the window. Wait, it was probably just Randy. 

      I looked to the side looking at the lock before glancing at the window to see the elongated ghostly white pale mask. I jumped as my heart rate went up. No words were coming out of my mouth as the figure brought his hand up and waved. RANDY HURRY UP. But then Randy could get hurt. My breathing was speeding up as the thoughts of Randy getting hurt entered my mind. "Y/N!" I heard Randy say, my eyes went wide as I tried to look past the ghostly figure, but he blocked my sight. NO! Randy, please don't die. Just as I was about to search around for anything I could use as a weapon, the figure slipped the mask off. 

     I was left shocked, as messy blonde hair blew in the wind and green eyes looked into mine. Rage grew inside me as I saw, Alex, one of Stu's friends looking through the window laughing with slight tears in his eyes. His face was flushed with red. Randy ran over quickly after locking the store door and hit Alex in his head angrily. I rolled the window down and tried to stabilize my breathing. "Fuck you, Alex, that wasn't funny." Alex continued to laugh in Randy's face as I took deep breaths. "Yeah yeah, but you should've seen Y/N's face." Randy looked at me as his face saddened. "You smell drunk, where are you going?" Alex began to huff instead of laugh. I turned to face the floor and placed my seatbelt on trying not to go off on asshole Alex. "Uhhhh, Well, I was just like, getting ready for Stu's party, but my date got mad and dropped me off by the video store. I don't know why." I rolled my eyes, "Maybe because you are carrying around the killer's mask." Alex put his hands up, "yeah no, I don't think so." 

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