Chapter Three

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     I exited the English class, meeting with Randy's chest. "Ow." "You okay? Sorry." Randy said putting his arm around me. "Yeah, did your parents pack lunch?" Randy rolled his eyes, "all you care about is food huh?" I dug my thumb lightly into his side. He let off a yelp, "fine, yes of course, and they packed your favorite too." I smiled and we continued walking to the large fountain outside.

As we plopped down next to the two couples, they started to talk about Casey. Billy was lying on his side as his leg was behind Sidney who was in a criss-cross position. Next to her was Stu, who had his arm around Tatum as he sucked on grapes. I sat next to Tatum, Randy on the outside of me and the group. "Hunt? Why would they ask you if you like to hunt?" Tatum said very sassily. "I don't know, they just did," Stuart said as the coupled bickered like usual. Randy leaned over, making me roll my eyes in annoyance. He was always sweet and caring but when it came to any sort of argument with Stu he gave in.

"Because their body was gutted." I shifted as I felt uncomfortable. Thinking about Casey in that situation. Sidney shifted uncomfortably as well. "They didn't ask me if I liked to hunt." Tatum fought back. "Because there is no way a girl could have killed them," Stu said, being sexist as per usual. I had no idea why Tatum really liked him, probably because he was attractive and romantic occasionally. "That is so sexist. The killer could easily be female-BASIC instinct." "Eh, that was an ice pick not exactly the same," Randy said, holding onto my thigh for support.

I felt my face heat up and continued to sit there silently. "Yeah, Casey and Steve were completely hollowed out. Takes a man to do something like that." Stu said giving off giggles. "Or a man's mentality," Tatum said shoving a grape into her mouth. "How do you gut someone?" I looked to Sidney, knowing how this must affect her with her mother's passing anniversary coming up. We all looked up as Stu answered, "You take a knife and slit from the groin to the sternum." I felt more sick than before as Stu gave the description.

Sidney shivered as Stu looked innocently, as Billy gave him a death stare, "what? She asked." "It's called tact you fuckrag," Billy said angrily. "Well, sorry." Stu huffed. "Hey Stu, didn't you used to date Casey?" I spoke out suddenly on accident. Stu was taken aback but quickly replied, "for like two seconds." "Yeah before she dumped you for Steve," Randy said jokingly, I nudged him in the side as he sat back down defeatedly. He didn't have the bring up the breakup in front of Tatum.


     Tatum clicked her mouth, "I thought you dumped her for me?" Stu eyed Randy angrily. "I did, he's full of shit." Randy got up again and entered a high-pitched voice, "are the police aware you dated the victim?" Stu scoffed and gave off a slight cold laugh, "what are you trying to say, I killed her?" Randy continued, "it would sure improve your high school 'Q'" I felt vile to continue rising up as heartburn festered in my chest.

The thought of anyone, especially a friend doing that to a hopeless Steve and Casey hurt me. I never liked Steve but he wasn't the worst. "Stu was with me last night," Tatum said as she placed her arm above Stu's head. "Yeah, she was," Stu said cockily. Randy hunched more over, "was that before or after he sliced and diced?" Sometimes I hated Randy and his overzealous personality. "Fuck you nut case! Where were you last night?" Tatum said pissed off. "Working at the video store and hanging out with Y/N." Tatum rolled her eyes, "Oh, at the video store? I thought they fired your sorry ass."

Randy sat back down and bit into pistachio, "Twice."  "I didn't kill anybody.' Stu said abruptly. I shifted over uncomfortably wanting this conversation to end. "Nobody said you did," Billy replied coldly. "Thanks, Buddy!" Stu said sarcastically. Randy spoke mockingly, "besides it takes a man to do something like that." Stu put his hands up defensively pointing his finger at Randy, "In gonna gut your ass in a second kid." Randy stood again hovering over me and Tatum, "Did you really put her liver in the mailbox? Cause I heard that they found her liver in the mailbox next to her spleen and pancreas."

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