Chapter Six

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     BEEP BEEP! Randy's alarm went blaring as I opened my eyes. As I checked the clock, the time rendered 6:30. I quickly got over a still sleeping Randy and hit the clock turning it off. "Ow, my head." I sat up and put my hand to my head. My body finally shut down as everything came to a realization. I got attacked last night with Sidney Prescott. He called Randy's house. I squeezed my eyes together as I began to think. This person has to be someone who knows us, as disgusting as that sounds.

     Tears began to fall but no audible noise came out. It quickly ended but I somehow woke up Randy who began shifting a lot before fulling sitting up. I wiped my eyes and faced Randy, allowing my ears to let his soft groggy morning voice penetrate them. "Are you okay?" He asked yawning, making me yawn as well. I smiled at him as best as I could as I nodded before putting a more serious display on.

     He looked at me curiously, his eyelids still hanging low. It looked like he didn't get much sleep either. "The killer has to be someone we know besides Billy," I said affirmatively. He raised his eyebrows before seriously propping himself up. "I was thinking the same thing, Billy couldn't have called you from prison since he was on 24-hour surveillance." I nodded looking away from him down to the loose bandage on my right arm. "The killer talked about Sidney accusing Cotton. That has to be linked with what he's doing now." I looked back to Randy whose eyes perked up as his hand laid on his chin in a thinking position. "Let me just throw this out randomly, this is basic horror movie knowledge. But, what if Sidney made a mistake about the person who killed her mom? A red herring situation."

     I shifted my body facing directly at Randy now, out of the covers. "Maybe, he meant to kill Sidney. Or maybe it was practice?" Randy nodded at my thoughts. "Or it could be that he was trying to scare her, then framed Cotton making her feel safe, then near the anniversary start killing again eventually taking out all her friends and then her." I thought for a moment, "does Sidney have any enemies?" Randy moved the blanket off his lap as he started to climb out of the bed. "I guess Janice Erd but she moved to some middle-of-nowhere town in Michigan." He moved near the stairs, "I'm gonna get a cup of brain juice, you want some?" I laughed a bit, "sure, oh yeah remem-" Randy cut me off rolling his eyes, "remember light cream, extra sugar, yeah yeah." His voice echoed a bit as he reached the top floor. I sat there quietly, I miss my parents. I really just want them right now. I hope they and Neil are okay, it would break me to see Sidney lose both her parents, along with me losing mine. I sighed and got up to make Randy's bed.

     "So, are you sure you don't want to skip today?" Randy asked tying his shoe in the living room. "Yeah, I need to see Sidney and talk to her about all of this." Randy shook his head standing up, "My sister gave you the worst outfit ever." I rolled my eyes and looked down at the sweetheart pants with cute sewn hearts next to the pockets. The blue shirt with matching hearts layered on top makes it perfectly match. Martha had cute clothes and left them for me in the upstairs bathroom before quickly getting picked up by her friends. "Yeah, well you look like an everyday nerd. Are you dressing up as a knockoff Shaggy from Scooby-Doo?" I asked sarcastically. "Yeah, well if I'm Shaggy, you must be Scooby." He laughed as he walked up towards the front door. I scoffed as I followed him closing the door behind us.

     "Hey, later we can get some pizza after my shift at the video store, my parents left me some cash," Randy said focusing mainly on the road. "Didn't your parents give you that for emergencies?" He groaned, "Y/N, our hunger crisis is a dangerous emergency. We need all the strength we need, especially you." I looked at him with deadly eyes questioning what he was referring to. "You look like a mummy with those bandages, you need nutrients to help you heal." I rolled my eyes, "Last time I checked pizza didn't have any nutrients." He laughed in return, this felt good. It felt like a normal day, nothing different. But that feeling dropped as we pulled up near the school. Even more, news vans crowded the front yard, making my stomach start to hurt. As me and Randy stepped out of the car, vile rose up. The ghostly terrifying mask was held up by a couple of reporters. The hair on my neck rose. I began to shiver as the memories of last night plagued my mind. Randy quickly took notice of this and stepped in front of me. "Don't worry, you are safe here, I'm pretty sure Dewey is one of those police cars over there." I took a deep breath before shaking my head.

     He turned back around, facing the same direction as me. He placed his arm over my shoulders and started to move us forward. As we almost reached the steps a shorter lady with a blue blazer suit stepped up shoving the microphone in my face. "Y/N!! How does it feel to be totally butchered and killed?" Randy quickly stepped in front of her blocking her way as I continued to move. The insensitivity of these people sickened me. "God these people suck," Randy said annoyed, bringing me closer to him with his arm. I haven't tried to think about last night's cuddle session before I talk to Tatum and Sidney. They would give me honest advice and make me feel all better, but that couldn't happen until I spilled it all out. I also needed to talk to them and Dewey about the call which we didn't want to assume was real until we were told so. We walked a little bit through the front hall before meeting with Tatum, Sidney, and Stu. The girls were talking as Stu checked himself in the mirror. "Hey, I have to go get some textbooks from my locker, you'll be okay with them right?" I nodded as he walked off letting me stroll to Sid and Tatum.

     "Hey, guys," I said placing myself next to Sidney before a ghost figure ran passed us, making me and Sidney jump. "God, what is wrong with these people?" Stu laughed before saying something dumb making Tatum scold him. "Yeah, it's probably all a big joke to them. I'm pretty sure someone prank-called me and Randy last night. He sounded just like the guy who attacked us, he actually said some pretty weird stuff about you, Sid." Sidney looked at me eyes wide, "did he say anything about...Cotton?" I was shocked as she knew, "yeah, how did you know?" Tatum butted in, "Well, Sidney got a weird-ass call last night too." Stu popped his head next to Tatum, "And do we think this was still Billy even though he was in prison?" That question was suspicious but I gave it the benefit of the doubt, Stu is just a weird person.

     "Speaking of Billy, I haven't seen him around, is he mad at me?" asked Sidney. Stu grinned before replying, "Oh, you mean after you branded him Candy Man?" Tatum growled at Stu making him back down. That's when another scream came through the hall, followed by another ghostly figure, with a tied-up naked blow-up doll. I wanted to vomit. "Why are they doing this?" Sidney said annoyed and shaken up. "Are you kidding? It's like Christmas." I wanted to crawl into my skin as everyone was making a joke and celebrating the attacks. "Stupidity Leak!" Yelled Tatum as she hit Stu with her pink bubblegum lollipop. Sidney looked like she was about to hurl before she started to run towards the west hall bathroom crying. "Stu, that isn't okay to say. Especially today." He turned to Tatum before she gave him the same disappointed look. "I should go chase after Sidney." Tatum looked at me softly, "Listen, Y/N, if there is anything, and I mean absolutely anything I can do, let me and Stu know." She said, quickly followed by her stomping on Stu's foot making him yelp. He gritted his teeth, "Yeah, Y/N, anything." I smile before taking down the hall after Sidney.

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