Chapter Four

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I checked the clock, Sidney called and said she was on her way at 6:30. It was now 6:45 and I was sitting in the living room waiting for her arrival. Tatum is supposed to show up at 7:00 so everything seemed perfect. 10 minutes later I heard the doorbell and let Sidney in. "Hey Sid, Tatum said she would be here by 7 but I doubt that."

Sidney laughed as she walked in placing her bag by the front door. "Yeah, I woke up right before I called you, the news is crazy right now." She gave a small smile and I returned it. "Well, you can grab some snacks from the cabinet if you want, I'll go put on my VHS of 'Friends' while we wait." Sidney smiled and walked into the kitchen as I walked to the TV. She returned as the first episode started.

"Who do you think we all are?" I asked falling into the place next to her on the couch. "Hmm, that's a hard one, what do you think?" "I don't know either. We should probably have Tatum decide." Sidney shook her head yes in reply. Ring Ring! A couple of minutes later the phone rang, Sidney picked it up and pulled it to her ear since she was closer to the phone. "Hello?" Sidney mouthed Tatum and I shook my head pausing the TV. "It's past 7:00." Sidney looked at me before replying, "That is very comforting." After a few more seconds, Sidney rolled her eyes, "Whatever, just hurry up, me and Y/N are waiting." Sidney put the phone down and put her head back resting it on the couch, she began to laugh, "she's gonna go pick up 'All the Right Moves,' to see Tom Cruise's penis." I laughed with her as she got up to go to the kitchen to put the snack away.

As I was about to put the show back on the phone rang again. I flopped across the couch and picked up the phone. "Tatum, just hurry u-" "Hello, Y/N." A husky deep voice with a robotic touch spoke. "Uh...Hi, who is this?" I questioned. "You tell me." I climbed off of the couch. "W-well I have no idea." I looked up at Sidney as she walked back from the kitchen asking who it was. I lifted my shoulders up confused. "Scary night isn't it? With all the murders and all, it's like just out of a horror movie or something."

I laughed as Randy gave it away. "Wow Randy, so original, you gave yourself away. Are you still at work cause Tatum is on her way?" Sidney smiled and plopped back down looking up at me. "Do you like scary movies, Y/N?" Randy asked. "Randy your voice is so sexy like that, I'm drooling right now," I said snickering as Sidney eyed me suggestively. "What's your favorite scary movie, Y/N?" I placed myself back down on the couch placing my head back, "You know I don't watch scary movies without you, so I don't have one." "Why not? Are you too scared?" Randy replied coldly. "I guess, It's just nicer to have someone with you when you get easily scared. But I do have a lot of problems with them otherwise. Like the big boobed girl always runs up the stairs instead of out the front door, and it seems like they never arm themselves either." I spat out as Sidney laughed. "Are you home alone?" I rolled my eyes, "Randy, that is so unoriginal and no, Sid is with me." "Maybe because I'm not Randy." My face dropped as I began to feel anxious, Sidney looked concerned as she saw my face. "So, um, who are you?" I ask. "The question isn't who am I, it's where am I?" I took the phone from my ear and covered the mouth part. "He said that we should be asking where he is..." Sidney's face dropped as she put her hand out to take the phone. She was way better in these situations compared to me.

"S-so where are you?" Sidney asks stuttering. Her face stays the same as she mouths, "front porch." We both get up and start walking to my front door as she continues to talk to the guy. "Why would you be calling from the front porch?" Sidney retorts confused. "Well, I call your bluff." Sidney began unlocking and opening the door. I held onto her arm giving it a squeeze before letting go. She placed the phone back to her ear, "So, where are you then?" I poked my head out before looking around seeing mostly pitch black darkness outside. I look back to Sidney searching as well, "Can you see me right now?" she asked smirking. "Ahh, alright."

She places her finger towards her nose, pretending to pick it. "What am I doing, huh? What am I doing?" She rolls her eyes as no noise comes from the phone. "Okay, Nice try Randy, tell Tatum to hurry up..." She looks at me mischievously before continuing making me worried, "and ask out Y/N already, bye now." She entered the house closing the door before bringing the phone 2 inches apart from her ear. A loud noise came out in reply making Sidney's face drop. "Fuck you, you cretin!" She yelled out, turning to face me. "What's wrong?" I asked before Sidney's eyes went wide pushing me to the side. I looked back from where I fell seeing a cloaked dark figure towering over Sidney. He pulls out a knife swinging it at Sidney. She quickly ducked falling to the floor across from me. I got up quickly, as the killer headbutted Sidney. I grabbed a vase from the table and threw it at him. He fell a bit before standing and turning around. The white ghostly mask, with its dead eyes, looked at me. Digging into my memory with its elongated mouth. He looked similar to Death. I took myself out of thought as the vase broke hitting the floor, glass pieces going everywhere.

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