Chapter Five

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     "Sidney is so badass," I said looking out the window of Randy's car. "Yeah, but you are too. You tried your hardest to help Sidney call the cops," Randy spoke confidently. I smiled, "yeah I guess so, but I ended up passing out, not much of a hero laying on the floor."  Randy clicked his tongue, "give yourself more credit, Y/N." I looked out the window again, "I can't believe it was Billy." I felt Randy's gaze, "How did they know it's him?"

I looked at him making him focus back on the road. "Apparently, Billy thought it would be funny to scare me and Sid, so he came through the back door just as Sidney came downstairs to check on me. The killer had just run away and then when Sidney ran and hugged Billy, a portable phone fell out of his pocket. Suspicious how we never knew about it. And Sid immediately freaked and ran to the front door meeting with Dewey."

Randy looked at me, "That fucking asshole. I knew he was going crazy. Ever since his mom left he's been acting differently. I can't believe he hurt you." We pulled up to his house. Almost all the lights were on, "everyone is up waiting, they are worried about you." I smiled, "I love you guys." He smiled before stepping out and coming over to help me.

     As we stepped into his house, I was greeted by all the Meeks. "God Y/N, are you okay?" Ms. Meeks said running over and pulling me into a hug. Martha came over and hugged me after her mom. "I'm fine, thank you so much for staying up." I wasn't fine, but I was still in shock so everything was relatively normal. I was preparing to sob into Randy's pillow as silently as I could. Between the attacks, Casey and Steve's death, Billy being the main suspect, and my parents missing, I was ready to fall apart at any moment. Everyone made sure I was okay before quickly heading to bed since it was so late.

I walked down to Randy's room breathing in and letting his mattress absorb me.  "Shit, I forgot to ask Martha for some clothes." I propped my head up a bit, making Randy's face visible. "It's okay, just give me a T-shirt and some of your PJ pants." Randy looked at me, trying not to show any surprise but failing miserably. "Are you sure? Will it be comfortable for you?" I propped the rest of my body up, "Yeah, you always look so comfy. And then tomorrow morning, I can get some clothes from Martha when she's awake."

Randy gave a side smile and opened his dresser drawers. "What color?" I took off his jacket and folded it putting it down. "I'm going to shower real quick, just pick whatever." I walked into his bathroom and closed the door behind me. I looked in the mirror barely recognizing the bloody dirty girl. My hair was all messed up and my eyes were visibly puffy. If Randy had even the tiniest bit of feelings for me, they were definitely all lost tonight.

I started to take off my shoes and socks, as Randy opened the door a little, barely allowing his hand and the clothes to fit through the crack. In the mirror, I could see his head turned and his other hand covering it. It was cute, he was cute. "Here Y/N, I picked something basic, I hope it's okay." I grabbed the clothes from his hands and held the door open a bit to see his face. "Thank you, for everything Randy." He looked up and smiled, "Yeah, of course." I smiled and closed the door making me flustered as I realized I had it hard for this guy. 

     After my hot shower, I placed myself into Randy's green shirt and pajama pants. It was actually very comfortable and it kind of looked baggy on me. I opened the door and walked in seeing Randy on the floor watching some movie. As I turned off the light and fully stepped out the door, I realized he was watching 'Pretty in Pink'. I smiled and walked over placing myself next to him on the floor. I placed my head down on his shoulder, taking in his scent. "Thank you," I softly exclaimed rubbing my eyes, pressing more of my body weight on Randy. "Y/N, of course, I wouldn't want to help anyone else."

My eyes began to close before a phone rang. I jumped before Randy spoke, "Who would be calling right now?" Randy was about to get up but I pushed him down as I stood. "It's okay, it might be the police department or my parents." I took a deep breath walking to the phone. "Hello?" I asked hoping it was my parents. "Hello, Y/N." My eyes went wide as the familiar voice of the man who attacked me blared through the phone. "No! No!" Randy quickly got up and ran to my side. "Poor Billy, Sidney pointed the finger and you helped. Looks like she pointed at the wrong guy, again." The evil and sinister voice made the hair on the back of my neck rise.

  "Fuck you, who are you?" I yelled, Randy, trying to take the phone from me. "You will find out very, very soon."  I let go of the phone as Randy put it to his ear, "Hey, you fuckface leave us alone, especially Y/N....Hello?" The phone was dead and tears fell from my eyes. I let everything flow out. The attacks, Casey, my parents, Billy, and everything else.

Randy quickly caught me before my knees buckled. "Let's get you on the bed, okay?" I shook my head yes as he helped me onto the bed. We sat together until I finally calmed down. "He's just taunting you. It was probably a prank." Randy said still trying to calm me down. I rubbed my eyes feeling drowsy as my body ran out of adrenaline. I laid down and moved to the side of his wall. Randy started to get. "Goodnight, Y/N." But I didn't feel safe without him by my side, I lifted my arm grabbing Randy's quickly making him fall back down next to me, "Can you sleep next to me tonight? I don't want to be alone." Randy looked down at me, "are you sure? I don't want to make you uncomfortable."

I smiled and quickly wrapped my arms around him for a hug, "Yes, please." I let go and as he smiled "okay." He pulled the covers over us. "Can I put my arm around you?" He asked. With my eyes closed, I shook my head yes and he placed his arm over me. "Goodnight, Randy," I said drowsily falling into a deep sleep, I started to feel weak allowing my whole body to rest in pain.  "Goodnight, Y/N."

1,165 words

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