Chapter Thirteen

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      "Wait, I feel something against my leg," Sidney whispered, bending over and picking up a package of some sort. "I think it's one of their costumes." I looked at Sidney knowing exactly what she was about to do, as we gained the same idea. We pulled out the voice box and portable phone from Neil's pockets, as Sidney began to call the police. "911, what's your emergency?" I put the phone close to my mouth trying to speak fast and quiet, "Please help us quickly, we are with the killers, who are Billy Loomis and Stu Macher, we are on '261 Turner Lane,' please hurry, many are wounded, and we have an officer down." 

     The operator made a reassuring noise before I spoke again, "Listen, we have to go but please hurry, they have a gun and knife." Sidney brought the phone to her face as she hung up. Now it was time to save ourselves as much as we could. Sidney began to dial a number again, commotion and yelling happening outside the stuffy closet. We heard ringing before someone picked up, "Hello?" spoke Billy angrily, as we all quietly listened in. 

     Sidney turned on the voice box as she spoke into the phone, "Are you alone in the house?" Billy immediately began to shout, "BITCH, you bitch, where the fuck are you?" "Not so fast I want to play a little game...It's called guess who just called the police and reported your sorry motherfucking ass," Sidney said with a smirk, taking away the voice box from her mouth, in the middle. "Find her you dipshit," spoke a hazy Billy, as the phone was most likely away from his face. A few moans and words could be heard by Stu but weren't significant. "Here, just talk to her alright?" Billy yelled as a clunk was heard from the phone. "Hello?" Spoke a whiny Stu, "Ah, Stu, Stu, Stu, what's your motive? Billy's got one, the police are on their way. What are you going to tell them?" Sidney asked, smirking again. "Peer pressure, I'm far too sensitive." What a joke.

     The phone was scratchy again before Billy's voice returned, "I'm going to rip you up you bitch, just like your fucking mother." Sidney's face dropped as her eyebrows pointed angrily, "You got to find me first you pansie-ass-momma's boy." "FUCK!" Billy yelled before the phone made another clank, "Fuck, you hit me with the phone dick!" Stu whined as he brought the phone up close to his mouth, to the point we heard his shallow fleeting breath. I began to quickly place the costume on, prepping the knife in my hand, ready to fly out. 

     "Did you really call the police?" Stu innocently questioned, "You bet your sorry ass I did." "My mom and dad are going to be so mad at me." Sidney hung up, as in got silent, besides the faint noises coming from the TV, still playing Halloween. Me and Sidney jolted, as the door began to creak open, very slightly, before it stopped for a second. 

     I took this as my chance and opened the door fully, stabbing my knife into Billy's chest. I took the knife out, as Sidney began to walk out. The noise of something falling caught my attention as I looked up, seeing a bloody, angry Stu. He ran up as Sidney went back into the closet, as he charged at me. Without much warning, we flipped over, causing me to drop the knife. I landed on top of him, kneeing him in the crotch, making him put his legs together. He brought his hands up socking me in the face, causing me to roll over grabbing my face. 

     Without hesitation, I got up and ran towards the couch, before falling over, due to Stu's body weight. We fell to the floor, him on top of me as Sidney began to run over. "I ALWAYS HAD A THING FOR YA, BOTH." He yelled as I looked up to Sidney behind the TV. I looked to my left, grabbed a vase of flowers, and slammed it across Stu's face. I rolled over, as he huffed and turned over. Sidney put her hands on the TV, "In your dreams asshole!" As she pushed the TV, making him convulse as we watched. When the electric sparks stopped, I began to dart towards the front room, grabbing Sidney's hand as well. I picked up the knife on the way, just in case. Randy. I need to see Randy.

     Billy's body lay as we passed. We both kneeled down next to Randy's body as I shook him. He jolted, sitting up immediately making me and Sidney jump. "RANDY, I thought you were dead," I yelled, immediately pulling him into a hug. As he hugged me back, I pulled away kissing him on the lips. "I'd never thought I'd be so happy we're virgins." I giggled a bit before a fist came flying into Randy's face knocking him out again. 

     Me and Sidney turned around, to see Billy up, quickly pinning Sidney down, as he took a knife and raised it above her. "Say hello to your mother." I quickly grabbed the knife I had gotten from the kitchen and stabbed him in the back twice, making him yell. A loud noise shot at us, as Billy went flying back as he began to cough. I looked up to see Gale, with the gun. Sidney slowly got up, as I quickly helped up a waking Randy. 

     Gale came close, as Sidney took the gun from her, as I took Randy's hand, bringing him in closer. "Guess I remembered the safety that time bastard." We all walked over to Billy's body, as his white shirt was stained with blood, actual blood this time. Sidney put her foot up hitting his leg, as it was limp. "Careful, this is the moment when the supposedly dead killer comes back to life for one more scare." As on queue, Billy gave a small jump and yelled, making Gale scream a bit, as Sidney pulled the gun up, and shot him in the head. "Not in my movie." I smiled, relieved we survived, as Sidney smirked, as she turned around to face us.

     We all yelled and jumped again, when the closet door flung open, with a still very tied up Neil Prescott, as various items fell around him. "Dad, sorry," Sidney said, quickly going up to her father. "Y/N, Randy, help me out." I walked over quickly, as Randy slowly limped over. I stopped, turning around and putting him against the wall, "no, you are very wounded, sit down." I said as he reluctantly slid down the wall. I sat crouched down next to Sidney and Neil as she removed the duct tape from his mouth. He took a gasp of air, "are you okay?" she asked as he continued to take big breaths of air, "yeah yeah." We all brought our heads up, as sirens from the police and ambulances could be heard. We were okay.

     We all rushed outside, the police approaching as I rushed Randy to an ambulance, "He got shot, hurry." The EMT quickly placed him on a stretcher. "Are you coming?" they said as I looked back to the scene. I smiled as Dewey was getting picked up and raised his hands up a bit. I looked back to the EMT and Randy, as I nodded, climbing into the back. I took his hand as we drove away from the scene.

1,255 Words

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