Chapter Two

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"Wake up, Y/N!" My eyes bolted open as hands pushed me back and forth. "Why so early, Randy?" I said with sarcasm. "Casey..." I rubbed my eyes and looked at him with confusion. I studied his face, saddened. "What's wrong?" His mouth closed for a second, shaping into a thin long line before opening back up, "Casey and Steve were killed last night." My heart dropped as I heard the words coming out of Randy's mouth. I didn't believe it at all.

     "Is this some sort of prank?" I laughed off climbing out of his sheets pushing him out of my way with my hip. I began to make his bed. He stood still before sighing. "Y/N, Casey Becker, and Steve Orth died last night. They were killed." I heard what he was saying, I just couldn't understand. He couldn't be serious. I talked to Casey last night. She joked with me about Randy, last night.

     I was frozen, Randy was a jokester but I doubt he would go this far, especially with just me around and none of our other friends. "Y/N, are you okay?" I looked up at Randy's searching eyes, "w-what?" I stuttered as tears began to fall. " I spoke to her last night.." My breathing became rapid, my knees buckled as I fell onto Randy's floor. Randy crouched down and cupped me in his arms, holding me in a tight embrace. I sobbed until I eventually regained normal breathing. Randy hugged me the whole time, rubbing my back.

I got dressed, my eyes puffy as I looked into the mirror. I studied my face with a blank expression. Casey was dead, Randy proved it by showing me the news. I didn't want to think about it. It didn't feel real. Just yesterday she told me some gossip in English class and got yelled at by Ms. Taylor.

     As I walked out of the bathroom, Randy looked up from his bag and onto me, "are you sure you want to go? We can skip and watch some romance movies?" I shook my head no, tugging my shirt, which was Randy's. He gave me his Micheal Myers T-shirt since it's Casey's favorite movie. No, it was her favorite movie. My eyes started to swell up with tears again as I grabbed my bag, and stood waiting for him silently trying to take deep breaths. A couple of seconds later, he got up, took my hand, and walked me up the stairs. He let go as we reached the top of the stairs into the living room.

     His parents sat there watching the news, immediately turning it off and facing me and Randy, as they heard our footsteps. They began searching my face for any type of emotion. "I'm okay, Mr. and Ms. Meeks. Thank you so much for your hospitality." Ms. Meeks gave a smile as she walked over and hugged me. "I called the hotel again, your parents haven't arrived yet." I thanked her again and gave a reassuring smile. "I'm guessing their flight was delayed this morning."

     I turned to face the front door, Randy close behind me. As we stepped onto the pathway, the Meeks waved us off. I started to get teary-eyed as I recalled the memories of saying goodbye to Mr. and Ms. Becker. And the memories of Casey and I dancing to some stupid song so we could convince them to let us have a sleepover. Randy's arm pressed against me as we made our way to his car. I climbed in and sat down quietly, beginning to fidget with my hair and rings. "Last call for skipping." I shook my head, "no, I just want to see our friends, thanks though." Randy smiled with empathy, and we went off to Woodsboro Highschool.

As we pulled up, I shivered as the herd of interviewers bombarded the sidewalk, shoving microphones onto students' faces. Randy took my hand," listen, promise we stick together all day unless you are with Tatum or Sid. I'll help push you through the interviewers." I shook my head yes as we stepped out of the vehicle. "Were you friends with the victim?" Most students avoided the large swarm, but some were trying to get their 15 seconds of fame. "I loved Casey, I talked to her when she was a new student here at Woodsboro Elementary! We were best friends."

*That was a lie.* Bethany Johnson. When Casey first moved to Woodsboro, she had trouble fitting in. Since all the girls, had made their certified groups, and all the boys had cooties she couldn't find anyone. I decided to take a chance and say hello. She had a booming personality, more girly than Tatum but definitely opinionated as well. But, Bethany Johnson was never nice to Casey, in fact, she was always jealous. Spreading rumors about Casey. Getting her in trouble. Casey always fought back, and always 10 times harder. And when she wasn't doing that she was telling me about boys and make-up. A couple of months later, she found a group of friends very similar to her. We stayed friends, close friends, but I was always with my group and she was with hers.

"Maybe Bethany did it for her 15 seconds of fame," I didn't know why I said it, but it blurted out. "You are probably right. Maybe she had a thing for Steve and got all love-sick." I took Randy's hand and squeezed it. I scanned the yard and saw Tatum and Sidney. "I'm going to go speak to Tate and Sid. I'll see you after." He nodded and walked off to go find Billy and Stu.

     "Oh my god, Y/N! I bet you heard. Are you okay?" Tatum said pulling me into a hug immediately. Sidney followed pursuit bringing us all into a group hug. We let go and I gave a reassuring smile. "I'm okay considering the circumstances." "Well, tonight at the sleepover you can get any candy you want." I gave off a quick short laugh as we started to walk to the building.

      "Do they know who did it?" Sidney questioned. "Fucking clueless, they're interrogating the entire school. Teachers, students, staff, janitors.." Sidney interrupted Tatum, "they think it's school-related?" Tatum shook her head to look from me, back to Sidney, "They don't know. Dewey said this is the worst crime they've ever seen. Even worse than..well it's bad. They're bringing in the feds. This is bad." I and Sidney went pale. "I'm sure it was someone spiteful of them and now they got their sick fun," I replied making Sidney and Tatum share a look before continuing a conversation on the subject.

     We walked to our lockers, Randy waiting by mine, and Stu and Billy, bombarding the girls. "Hey Randy, I guess you found the boys," I said smiling. Inside the school was normal, it was like any other day. He smiled, "yep, are you ready for English?" I swallowed hard as I remembered I sat behind Casey in that class. I nodded but started sweating anxiously.

"Meet me at your locker before lunch. Okay?" I nodded my head to Randy's request, trying to spare the wetness in my mouth that was leaving quickly as I walked into the classroom. The school suddenly felt dark. I sat in my seat and put my head down avoiding looking at Casey's chair. "Y/N L/N! Please head to the office." I looked up quickly and looked to Sidney who was already in her seat as she gave a reassuring smile. I returned with one as well, getting up and walking to the office.

     "Hi, Y/N L/N." "Hello, Sheriff Burke. Dewey." I replied, looking to Dewey for comfort, he was like an older brother to me. "Sorry, Y/N, it's Deputy Riley today." I nodded awkwardly and looked back at Sheriff Burke. "How are you doing? And how are your parents?" "I'm fine, and they are fine as well, they left for a business trip this morning with Neil Prescott." He wrote that down as I swallowed hard. "We'll be brief, we just want to ask you some questions." I nodded trying to stay as uncommunicative as I could be, to prevent vile from rising up my throat.

1,392 words

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