Chapter Fourteen

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     Nothing is ever going to be the same. Stu Macher and Billy Loomis killed eight people in total. Maurine Prescott, Casey Becker, Steve Orth, Principal Himbry, Tatum, Kenny, and my parents have all gotten somewhat justice. Their memorials are still up, even a couple of months later. Randy, Sidney, and I, have all graduated and all plan on going to Windsor College together. We thought it would be easier if we were together. Since my parents have passed, I've been staying with Randy and his family, who were kind enough to give me their spare room. It felt good, to be able to have a safe place after everything that happened, even better with my safe person with me as well.

     We have all started therapy, although me and Sidney have been in longer than Randy. Dewey has also been very helpful, and he's taken the role of my caretaker in a way. He says, when I finally go to college, that he will be calling every day to make sure everything is okay. He's so sweet and kind, which is why he rightfully deserved the promotion from the police station.

     Things will get better, the nightmares still make me wake up in the middle of the night, sweating. But, I'll live my best life, the life that was taken away from all those who were killed by those assholes. I miss everyone, my parents the most. So, I'm gonna be successful, go to college, make a movie with Randy, and live.

     "Hey, Y/N, you got everything?" I looked up and nodded at Randy as he had a box in his hand. I placed my journal in my bag, before closing it up, and getting off my bed. "Yeah, let's get out of this place." Randy started to walk out of the room before I quickly did a scan, goodbye house. Goodbye Woodsboro, until we meet again. "Y/N?" Randy yelled out, breaking me out of my goodbye. I shut the door and ran down the stairs. "Sorry." I gave him a peck on the cheek as I opened the door for him, letting us go out to his car. Before I could shut the front door fully, a dark figure, moved. But it must be just my mind, trauma. I closed the door as I took a deep breath meeting with Randy's smile. I smiled back, time to get out of this shit-hole.

The End

405 Words

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