Chapter 13: Friends

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In this world, it's just us
You know it's not the same as it was


It's been two years since I last step foot in New York City. Two years running from the hurtful memory. Two years of me trying to get my life back together.

I drop out of Cambridge because it was too much for me to handle. But I decided to stay in England. I've always loved this country. I also decided to go around Europe with Gwen of course. We took a trip around Europe and she love every second of it. I pay for all of it, of course, my mom left me with a lot of money.

We never lost contact and I talk to her every single day. She wasn't kidding about that. She always calls me or texts me. She always makes sure that we always communicate with each other.

Also, the people that my mom work for, came to me and offered me a job. I decline the offer because I don't want anything to do with that. But they gave me some training exercise.

So I can enter a building without any of them noticing or hiding in plain sight. I'm getting good at that. I'm like a spy. I kinda dig it.

I never go back to New York because it reminded me of Peter. Even after two years, he still has my heart and I hate him for it.

When I first got here, I went straight to the apartment that I already brought. I've been here before courtesy of moving around a lot with my mom.

I've met some people in England and I tried to get into a relationship but it didn't work out. I couldn't get Peter out of my head. He has consumed all of my thought and dreams. I hate him. I hate him for making me love him. I hate him for that.

I decided to go back to New York. Just for a while though. Because why not? It's been two years. I missed New York. I'm at the airport trying to find Gwen. Because she said she's going to pick me up.

I look around I saw her and she saw me. We quickly run to each other and hug each other. "I miss you so much," she said to me and I hug her tight. "Me too. I miss the smell of New York,"

"Two years," she said as we broke out of the hug. "Two years," I repeat what she said. "You look so different. I like it. I almost didn't recognize you," she said to me and I just laugh. "Well, I owe it a lot to you and to my friends there too, but especially you,"

"You are very much welcome. Miss Dabria," she said in a British accent. Then Dave came in and I hug him. "Dave! I miss you," I tell him as we broke out of the hug. "Me too. You look. . . um, different. Is it weird seeing her dressed like this?"

"It is kinda yeah," Gwen replied and I rolled my eyes. "Oh, nope. She's back. Yeah, she's not different at all," Dave added and we just laugh. "Dave, be a dear and fetch my suitcase will you?" I say to him and I wrapped my arm around Gwen's as we walk away. "Yeah, make yourself useful Dave," Gwen replied and we leave Dave with my suitcase. 

The first thing that Gwen takes me is this Korean place. She said that the meatballs in there are so good and it's true. I love it.

I stay in Gwen's place. Because I'm just visiting. I decided to visit May. It's been a long time. I miss her. I just hope Peter's not here.

I ring the bell and I sigh in relief when May opens the door. "Yes, dear and who might you be?" she asks me. "May, I'm hurt. I'm only gone for two years and you don't even recognize me?" I ask her back and she looks at me like really looks at me.

Then it clicked in her head. "Oh my God, Kara. I missed you so much," she said as she hugs me. "I miss you too, May," I tell her and we broke out of the hug. "Peter's not here," she tells me. "I know. I'm here to see you. Not him,"

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