Stain glass

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(Alex POV)
*beep beep beep*
'Uh stupid alarm' I thought to myself as I wake up with my messy bed head. You're probably thinking "Oh! She's a princess. She probably wakes up to birds chirping and braiding her hair!". Well you're wrong. I get out of bed and head to my bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower. As I finish up I walk back into my room to see my bed made and breakfast on my desk. I walk over to my closet and grab a yellow dress and heels. I walk over to my desk to eat and tackle my messy hair. Once I finish I put on some light makeup. Then I grab my rose shaped purse and my favorite book off my bed side table as I leave my room.

I walk out to the entrance of the school to see Mal surrounded by reporters and paparazzi asking about cotillion. I sneak past and walk over to a tree and sit on the swing. I pull out my book and start to read. I soon get interrupted by Evie. "Hey! Have you seen Mal? She was supposed to meet me at our room after breakfast for her dress fitting." She says a little panicked. "Oh! Yeah she's over there with the crowd of paparazzi. I can help you get through them if you'd like." "That would be amazing! Thank you Alex." She says. We walk over and get through the crowd so we're right next to Mal.

"If we don't do the dress fitting for cotillion right now you'll be dancing in your bath robe okay?" Evie tells Mal as she pulls her away.

"There you are!" Ben says to me. "I've been looking everywhere for you!"

"Umm why?" I ask.

"I wanted to show you the stain glass I made for Mal. I'd ask everyone else but you'd give me an honest opinion."

"True, we'll where is it?"

"Oh, Jane has it. Come with me" He says dragging me towards the courtyard.

We see the vks leave as we approach Jane. "Hey Ben, Alex, what's up?" Jane asks. "I wanted Alex' opinion on Mals stain glass."
Ben explained. "Oh! Here let me find it" she replied. She pulls up a beautiful stain glass portrait of Ben and Mal. "Wow, it's beautiful! I do have one suggestion though." I said "What if her eyes were green?" "I knew it was missing something! This is why your my favorite sibling." Ben said walking away so he could plan."I'm your only sibling!" I yelled, as me and Jane walk up to Mal, Evie, and Lonnie.

"I have a dress fitting at three who wants it?" Evie said. "Me!" Lonnie said before Jane could even breathe. "Sorry" she apologized. "I'll fit you in later" Evie said to Jane. "Oh beasts! I'm late for practice! I'll see you all later!" I said running to the music room.

"Sorry Madame!" I said to my music teacher.

"Oh it's okay sweetheart. I understand. Everyone's late sometimes." She smiles at me as I walk into the recording studio. "Start whenever your ready"

I warmed up my voice and started singing. "Riding down, riding down
My hand on your seat
The whole way 'round
I carry band-aids on me now
For when your soft hands hit the jagged ground
Wheels aren't even touching the ground
Scared to take them off, but they're so worn down
Promise I won't push you straight to the dirt
If you promise me, you'll take them off first"

"I love everything you do
When you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do
Wanna ride my bike with you
Fully undressed, no training wheels left for you
And I'll pull them off for you"

As I sing, my mind wanders to all of my friends and how happy they are with they're s/o's. How they all have dates to the cotillion. How Mals getting a stain glass portrait of her. How Evie and Doug are together working on dresses and capes. How Jay and Lonnie are practicing fencing together. How Carlos is trying to confess to Jane. How everyone except me has someone they love.

"I love everything you do
When you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do
Wanna ride my bike with you
Fully undressed, no training wheels left for you
And I'll pull them off for you"

"Letting go, letting go
Telling you things you already know
I explode, I explode
Asking you where you want us to go
You've been riding two wheelers all your life
It's not like I'm asking to be your wife
I wanna make you mine, but that's hard to say
Is this coming off in a cheesy way?"

I start to think about what my life would be like if I had that special person. I've tried every boy in Auradon to see if they make me happy but they never do.

"I love everything you do
When you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do
Wanna ride my bike with you
Fully undressed, no training wheels left for you
And I'll pull them off for you

I love everything you do
When you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do
Wanna ride my bike with you
Fully undressed, no training wheels left for you
And I'll pull them off for you

I love everything you do
When you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do
Wanna ride my bike with you
Fully undressed, no training wheels left for you
And I'll pull them off for you

I love everything you do
When you call me fucking dumb for the stupid shit I do
Wanna ride my bike with you
Fully undressed, no training wheels left for you
And I'll pull them off for you"

As I finish I get an idea that I would definitely get in trouble for.

"Wow..I tell you everytime. Whenever you sing I feel a warmth in my body. You Alex have one of the best voices I've ever heard." Madame says.

I smile at her as I exit the room. "Thank you Madame but, I can never be as good as you."

"You're right," she says "because you'll be better. Have good day sweetheart." She says to me.

"I'll try my best." I say back.

'Now, how on earth do I get into fathers office?'

(Song-Training wheels: Melanie Martinez)

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