Returning to the isle

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I walk into my parents office not knowing they were having a meeting with Ben and Mal. "One of the queens crowns and the scepter have been stolen." I tell them. Everyone sighs as I walk out. I go back into my room and lay down on my bed. 'Sure Umas bad but, she wouldn't go after the crown. This is someone new.'

I head to Evies castle and see Dizzy and Celia. They're looking at the cake with wide eyes.
I head to the closet to get some towels and when I come back Evie and Jay are in there. Carlos follows me and looks at the cake.

"Alright who got into janes cake?"
The vks and I walk outside to see Audrey with the crown and scepter. She disappears into a pink dust.

"Woah! Might wanna think of a spell for that." Jay says.

"There's no spell that can reverse the curse of the scepter." Mal says "but don't worry about me. Auradon is in danger."

"What should we do?" Evie asks.

"The only thing more powerful than the scepter is hades ember" I say.

They all look at me confused.

"What? I like reading!" I say in defense.

"I know where his lair is, I'm his errand rat, I have the key at my dad!" Celia says.

"You're coming." Mal says.

"But I just got here" Celia frowns.

Mal turns to see Dizzy and the Twins. I run up to the twins and Evie tells Dizzy what to do. "Hey it's okay. Mals just not feeling herself. She can't hurt okay?" They nod at me and walk back inside with Dizzy.

"How did you do that?" Jay asks.

"What do you mean?"

"You calmed them down by just talking to them! That never works for me. Squirmy still panics after I try to help."

"Oh. I don't know"

Everyone runs inside to get they're stuff as Evie and I take Mal inside.
I'm riding on the back of Evies bike.

"Noble stead, proud and fair, you shall take us anywhere." Mal says

I close my eyes as we drive on top of the water.

We park outside of the voodoo arcade. We walk inside and Celia talks to her dad while getting the key. I sit down next to Carlos infront of a tv. He calls everyone over as the news talks about Audrey's sleeping curse. We walk outside and see Gil, Harry, and two pirates on the bikes. "Alex!" "Gil!" We smile at each other before Harry starts the bike Gil's on making him drive away.

"Get off my bike Hook!" Jay says

"Catch me if you can Jay!" He says laughing.

Evie, Carlos, and Jay run after them. Me and Celia start to run but we get stopped. "No, I need you.." she says to Celia, then looks at me. "You'd get distracted so, come on." "I don't get distracted!" I say following her.

Celia unlocks the gate as Mal asks "How big is that dog?" "You'll see."

"Ten bucks there is no dog." I say making a bet with Mal

"You're on!"

We walk inside  and get on this three person bike. We all start pedaling our way through the cave. We reach his lair and walk in. Celia points the where the dog noise is coming from. Mal hands me the ten bucks. She walks behind the couch to get his ember. I look and and Celia stops the recording.

"What're you doing here?" Hades says as I hide behind a plank of wood.

"I noticed you were low on can corn" Celia says as Mal grabs the ember but hades grabs her hand.

"Hi dad" Mal says making me and Celia look at each other

"I was just coming to see you" he smiles

"Really I wonder why? Is it because I'm going to be queen?"

"Now Mal don't be bitter"

"You abandoned me when I was a baby"

"No I abandoned your mother, she's not the easiest person to get along with"

"You think?"

" we have something in common already, we both hate your mother"

" no ,I don't hate my mother. She may be an evil lunatic but at least she stuck around"

" oh boo-hoo, you think you've had it rough? i used to be a GOD!  I have nothing! You don't know what that feels like!"

"Really? Because for 16 years I had nothing! Now I have a whole world. Wanna make up for being a lousy dad? Give me the ember."

"Hold please"

"Listen, little girl
You're talking to a God
And I don't wanna hear the drama
Kindness ain't my brand"

"Oh, I guess that's why you ran"

"Try being married to your mama!"

"You stink at being a dad"

"Not as sad as you without your powers
I didn't come to fight
For once, do something right"

"I steal souls, were you expecting flowers"

"I only need you 'cause I came here for something"

Celia and start dancing.

"I've given you everything, by giving you nothing
I did what I had to do (ooh-ooh-ooh)
No, you only did what's best for you
Well, you could learn a thing or two (ooh-ooh-ooh)
When push comes to shove
You do what you gotta do, yeah"

"You were never there
Guess you don't have a phone
You never called to say, "I miss you"
Ha ha ha, are you kidding? Is this a joke?
You need to let it go
You're stronger with those daddy issues
Oh! Thank you!
Show me some respect
It ain't easy to neglect
My attention would've made you softer
Ooh-hoo! Should I be proud?
Don't turn this thing around
I guess you are your father's daughter, ha, ha, ha"

"Don't think I need you, I just came here for something
I'm given you everything, by giving you nothing"

"I did what I had to do (ooh-ooh-ooh)
I made it on my own, no thanks to you
Well, you could learn a thing or two (ooh-ooh-ooh)
When push comes to shove
You do what you gotta do

How 'bout I go with you and we'll spend some time?
How 'bout you stay here 'cause you're out of your mind!
Let's make new memories, you can show me the town
No, you can keep your memories now
Get over it
I am over it!
I'm over you being over it!
Let's dance

I did what I had to do (ooh-ooh-ooh)
No, you only did what's best for you
Well, you could learn a thing or two (ooh-ooh-ooh)
When push comes to shove, you do
When push comes to shove, you do
When push comes to shove
You do what you gotta do, yeah"

"The ember only works for me"

"No it'll work for me, we're blood."

"You're only half hades it won't do everything for you it does for me"

"I'll take my chances"

He hands her the ember and she walks away.

"If it gets wet it's game over"

We walk out of the cave.

"I guess that's the reason he's always asking about you." Celia says.

"Evie is the only one that knows he's my dad, and to me, he doesn't even exist."

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