Benjamin Beast

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We're all celebrating with each other u til we realized who they were then the pirates and vks separate with me and Evie in the middle.

"Guys come on. This was so great! We were a team!" Evie said. "Cmon, Cmon" she said tapping Mal and Umas arms. "You know what we should try? An icebreaker." All of the vks turn around while Evie explains to the pirates. "You know what? Alex since you and Harry have been threatening each other all day, you too go first. Alex you start."

"There's nothing good about him." I tell her.

She raises her eyebrows at me. I sigh. "You have an okayish accent."

"Good now Harry your turn."

"I guess yur niceish." Harry says

"Is she always this perky?" Uma asks

"Oh it wasn't really your turn but thank you!" Evie says

"Okay Evie, I love you" Mal says

"I love you!"

"I love this energy but we are very short on time. Audrey clearly knows we're here and we need to get out of here asap."

"Alright where does this cheerleader bunk down? Even if she not there we can still find some sort of clue." Uma asks

"Actually shes still in the dorms." Evie says

"You're right! Because of summer school." Mal clarifies.

"Wuat Summer school? Summer school no wonder she wants revenge!" Harry laughs

"Okay Alex! You and the guys will go find your brother. We will meet back at Evies in two hours."

"Sounds like we're going with my plan." Uma says

"It was kinda the obvious plan"

"Uma said it first." Gil says

"Right so my plan!"

"Whatever" Mal says as we all walk out.

"Bitchass" Harry says to me

"Dipshit" I reply

Gil puts his arm around me. "Cam you two not fight for the two hours we're together please?"

"...fine" we say at the same time.

"Thank you."
"Ben!" Carlos calls out for him.

"Can we take a break? My feet are killing me!" I  ask

"Then don't wear heels next time!" Harry says

"Do you want my shoe shoved down your throat?"

"Guys!" Carlos stops us. "Yes we can take a break."

"These things just grow everywhere!" Gil says taking blueberry's off a bush. "We should play that icebreaker, Jay, I like how you can bounce around and jump off things. These are free right?"

"Yes. They're free." I say. "If they're not and we get caught we run."

"Are you sure you can run in heels?" Harry asks me, leaning down to my height. I stomp on his foot and he hops away.

"Yes. I can.

"Anyways, I like how you get a kick out of a berry bush." Jay says.

"I guess you've probably seen everything by now, furry rocks, giant fish, you're probably used to grabbing lunch off of a bush." Gil says.

"No not really, I normally use the vending machines at practice. You know tourney? Takes up most of my time."

"Tourney? That's a whe boys game!" Harry laughs

𝘍𝘈𝘓𝘓𝘐𝘕𝘎 𝘍𝘖𝘙 𝘈 𝘓𝘌𝘎𝘜𝘔𝘌Where stories live. Discover now