Golden Retriever Boy

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(Alex pov)
I walk to Evie and Mals room for my dress fitting as I hear them through the door.

"Dont you miss running around and breaking things like we used to?" Mal said.

"Why would I miss that?" Evie asked.

"Do you miss the isle at all?"

"No! Mal we're Auradon girls now. We can be whatever we want to be here."

"I guess your right.." Mal said quietly.

I knock on the door and immediately Mal opens it and walks out. "Okay?" I said.

"Just ignore her. She's in a mood." Evie said going to grab my dress.

(I imagine it looking like this but you can change it)

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(I imagine it looking like this but you can change it)

"Oh my beasts! Evie I love it!" I said. "It's exactly how I wanted it!"

"I'm glad you like it" she laughed.

I put it on and it fit perfectly. Evie showed me the designs for the matching shoes and I was speechless. Everything was perfect. I thanked her and headed back to my room.

"You don't miss lying and stealing and yelling at people!" I heard Mal scream.

"I was normally on the receiving end of that so..not really." Carlos said.

I walked away a little confused but not questioning anything. Maybe Mal was homesick. I walk into my dorm and straight to my closet. I grab my yellow and blue bag, putting some clothes and sneakers in there. I grabbed a pen and paper and wrote a note. "If you're reading this that means I escaped. I needed some time away and I've headed to the Isle. Xoxo Alex" I left the note on my desk and walked out of my room. I walked to fathers office which luckily no one was in. I walked over to his desk drawer and pulled out the limo keys. I put them in my bag and walked out.

I walked down the hallway to where the limo was. On my way there I ran into- "Oh my god! Jay you scared me."

"Sorry-hey are you okay?" He asked as I was sweating.

"Yeah. I just got back from a jog." I said walking past him.

"In a dress?" He said to himself.

I walk over to the limo and unlock the door. 'I told father we needed better guards' I started the car and drove off, playing some music as I was driving. I stopped before I got to the road. I took a deep breath and pushed the gas pedal.
I hit the golden button and unlocked the magic barrier, immediately closing it behind me. I find an empty alley and park there. I put tarp over it and start walking around. 'No wonder they want to stay in Auradon'. I find a shop called Curl up and Dye. I walk inside and see a little girl dancing around with headphones on. She notices me and takes them off. "Oh! Are you here for an appointment?" She asks me. "Oh no, I just found this place and decided to come in." I said. "Wait I know you.." she thinks for a moment. "Oh my gosh! You're Princess Alex!" She screams. "I'm Dizzy, daughter of Drizzella." She says. "Nice to meet you Dizzy. Do you perhaps know a place I can stay?" "I do! There's an old building across the street. Throw a rock at the sign and make yourself at home." She says with a smile. "Thank you so much Dizzy." I say leaving.

(Bens Pov)

"Have any of you seen Alex?" I say walking up to the vks. "I thought she was with you?" Said Mal. "I haven't seen her since her dress fitting." Evie explained. "The last time I saw her was with you." Carlos said. I look over to Jay who's been sitting quietly. "What?" He asks. "Have you seen Alex?" "No I hav- actually, I saw her walking towards the parking lot earlier. Maybe she took a drive somewhere?" "We should check her dorm" Mal said. "Good idea. Evie, you and I will check her dorm, Carlos, Mal, and Jay, check around the school" I says panicking.
"Hey, we'll find her" Mal says.

(Mals Pov)
I stray away from the boys and run to my dorm. I grab something's and put them in a bag. I also grab a box and some scissors making some holes in it then taking my mom out of her cage and putting her in there. I go outside to my motorcycle and start it. "Let's blow this popsicles stand" I say as I head for the isle.

(Alex's pov)
I change into a yellow shirt and leather black skirt and jacket with some black boots. I grab my bag as I walk out of the house and wander around. I see a bunch of posters of my brother and Mal. 'Traitor?' I don't pay much attention to it. I walk into a place called Ursula's Fish and Chips and I see a bunch of people dancing around but a particular golden retriever looking one catches my eye. 'Oh my god...he's gorgeous' I see him smile as his friends are singing. 'That smILE'. They finish they're performance and he's trying to get out of a fish net.

"They'll forget her, and remember the name-" a blue haired girl says before she gets interrupted. "-shrimpy!" The blonde boy says proudly. The blue haired girl who I'm guessing by the song is Uma, signals to a guy with a hook and a pirate hat to take the blonde guy outside. I back out the door and hide behind a couple of boxes. The hook man pushes him outside and walks back in just to walk back out to make sure the blonde guy stays. I wait a few seconds before standing up and walking over to him. I take a seat next to him as he sulks.

(Gils pov)
I can't believe I got kicked out again. I don't understand what I did wrong. I see a girl in a yellow shirt walk over and sit next to me. I look over at her and she looks at me smiling. 'She's beautiful'

(Dress credits to owner)

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