Summer troubles

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(Alex Pov)

Over the summer I took frequent visits to the isle. About once a week I sneak into my dads office, grab the gold button, get on my bike, and go to see Gil. We would hang out at the Chip shop so much to where Uma and Harry didn't hate me so much.

On July 4th, we sat on Uma's boat, watching the fireworks together when he asked me to be his girlfriend. Of course I said yes.

One day when I was sneaking into dads office, he caught me. I had to tell him that I was going back to the isle to just check up on things. He said that I'm no longer aloud to go into his office which means I don't have access to the button anymore.

Instead of giving up, me and Gil came up with a plan. Every Thursday at 1:00 pm, we'd sit on each side of the barrier and talk. As much as we hated not being together, this was the closest we could get.

About a week into it my dad said I could start going back as long as he knew before I left. It was a Wednesday and I decided to surprise Gil. I walked into the chip shop to see him at a table with two other guy I'd never seen before. They seemed to be yelling at him.

Just as one of them raised they're fist I grabbed his hand. "I know you're not about to put your hands on my boyfriend!" I yelled. The guy smirked at me. "You look just like your mother, feisty like her too" he said. "Alex what are you doing here?" Gil asked me, terrified. "I came to see you...who are these assholes" I ask. "That's my dad and brother.." he says, sighing. "So this is the girl you keep visiting...the King and Queens daughter?" The younger one says. I start to move behind Gil. "Dad, Gideon, just go away!" He said. "Why would we go when we have a reason to stay?" His brother said. That's when I saw the look in Gils eyes go from scared to furious. His brother was about to touch me but before he could Gil punched him in the face. I look at him amazed. He pulls me out of there and we walk to the old abandoned building. I grab a rock and throw it at the sign.

"Alex I'm so sorry about them.." Gil says. I could see how genuine he was in his eyes. "It's okay Gil, it's not your fault" I said to him. That night he stayed with me to make sure his family didn't come back. I fell asleep on his chest, with his arm around me.
(Gil's pov)
"I love you Alex" I said kissing the top of her head. But she was already asleep and didn't hear me.
(Alex pov)
The next morning I woke up to someone playing with my hair. "Gil what are you doing?" I ask still waking up. "I couldn't help it, your hairs so soft" he said smiling. "What time is it?" I asked. "11 why?" "Oh shit! I have a meeting I have to get to in an hour." I put my boots on and kiss his cheek. "Bye Gil" "bye"

(Back in Auradon)

I walk into the room. "Im so sorry I'm late!" My parents look at me. "It's fine, sit down. We need to talk" my mom says. "So, you're going to become a queen soon, in 3 months to be exact." My father stated. "So we wanted to give you this." My parents hand me a box with some holes at the top. I untie the ribbon and see a beautiful puppy looking up at me. "We've seen how hard you've been working so we wanted to surprise you." "Oh my god! This is amazing."
I say smiling widely. "What's her name?" My mom asks. "Her name is...Bella" "we also set up a few things for her in your room." "Thank you so much!" I say hugging them. "I love you" "We love you too sweetie"

I take Bella back to my room at set things up for her. She looks up at me with her tongue out. "You're so cute!" I say. I put her bed down and lay on my bed. Bella jumps up on my bed and cuddles in next to me. "Fine. But only because you're cute"

(Since D3 also takes place in the summer that's only June- mid July, so the second half will be d3)

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