Knights Fall ft. Alex Attacking Harry for breathing

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We meet up with the other and walk to the barrier. We walk through it and Mals hair get blue streaks in it.

"You've got this whole hades thing going on!" Evie says

"That thing packs a punch huh?" Carlos says.

As the barrier closes two people jump out. Before I can turn around a feel someone lift me up. I look down at them. "Gil!" I say hugging him tightly. He puts me down as Harry says. "Hey guys were uh...comin for a whe visit!" He says laughing. Carlos pushes him away and he pushes him back, pushing him into Mal so she drops the ember. He takes his hook and drops it in the water laughing as a tentacle comes out of the water, grabbing it. Uma rises out of the water. "Drop something?" "It can't get wet! Give it back!" Mal says. She laughs and wraps her tentacle around it. "Uma?" Harry and Gil say together. "That's my name!" "Oh god I cant take that song again." I say rolling my eyes. Uma goes back under water with the ember. "No!" Mal says. A tornado of water comes up and splashes all of us. "Hi boys" Uma says as we turn, seeing her in her human form. Harry laughs walking over While Gil looks confused. "Welcome back!" Harry says "Uma. You swam of and forgot all about us." Gil says kinda sad. "Planning a revenge, no doubt" "it's not all about you Mal. I was looking for a whole in the barrier. To let everybody out. You know what I found boys? It's way better out there than we thought. They're have this furry rock called a coconut, and fish so big you could dance on they're backs. And they've been keeping it all for themselves." "No. Alex brings me a new fruit everytime she visits." Gil said. "Visits?" Mal and Uma say at the same time. "At least one a week she comes over with some fresh frut from Boradon." Harry says. "Why didn't you tell me that!" Mal and Evie yell. "Because, then you would try to stop me saying it's "too dangerous". All I wanted to do was see my boyfriend!" "Boyfriend?!" Everyone except Gil and I scream. "Can we talk about this later!" I say. "Whatever, Uma I need that to break a spell." Mal says."cast by Audrey, sleeping beauty's daughter." Carlos explains. "So the good guys the bad guy? Well I might not give it back, see what happens." Uma says "Uma it's not the time for games people lives are in danger!" "Guarantee me that every single villain kid who wants to, can get off the isle." "I can't do that." Uma moves the ember above the water. "How about now?!" "Deal!" Uma fake drops it. "Uma! Her word is good." Evie says "I'll still keep this, for the time being. Because if you think I trust you to save the world on your own, think again. This is a job for pirates!" She says walking to Harry and Gil. "We can always go back to hating each other when this is over." Jay says. "Fine" Mal agrees. "Where are our bikes?" He asks angrily. "Oh! Yeah uh, we crashed them!" Gil says smiling. "Vroom, pew, whoosh!" Harry says laughing. "Here's a thought,we could try being friends. Put our history behind us and crop ur differences. Yeah? Who wants gum?" Evie says. "Let's go." Uma say, unfazed. "Ah!" Mal says. "No, I'm in charge. Lets go" I pull out a not pad and make a chart. 'Friends or Enemies' and put a tally in the enemies column. "This'll be fun"

We get back to Auradon and I try calling my brother, Millie, and Pierre.

"Everyone's asleep" Evie says.

"I can't get Ben." Mal says

"Same. I can't get Pierre or Millie either." I say.

"Or Dizzy or Doug" Evie states.

"Or Jane, the signals out" Carlos says

"Is that Auradon prep?" Celia asks me.

"Yeah and when everyone wake up you're gonna love it." I say smiling. She does a mini celebration to herself.

"Everything is so.." Gil starts

"Freaky" Jay says

"Green! You have leaves on your trees and what are those colored things on the bushes?"

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