The Proposal

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(Gil Pov)

"I'm so nervous! I feel like I'm gonna pass out!" I pace back and forth as Harry, Ben, Jay, and Carlos watch me. My hopefully future wife is being distracted by shopping with Uma, Evie, and Mal in Auradon. "What if I love her and she's been faking this whole time!?"

Harry walks over to me and grabs my shoulders. "Mate! Calm down. I wouldn't be worried if I were you. I've seen the way she looks at you, she's gonna say yes."

"But what if she doesn't! What if she never truly loved me! What if-"

"Enough! Look at me! She loves you. Trust me it's all she talks about." Ben interrupts.

"What do you mean?"

"Whenever we talk about you, all she says is how much she loves you Gil. Plus Alex wouldn't fake her feelings."

"Okay...Oh my god we forgot to set up the picnic!" I say running out of the fish and chips.

(Uma Pov)

"What about this?" I ask Alex, holding up a Yellow dress with off the shoulder sleeves.

"Oh my god I love it!" She says.

"It's so you!" Evie says clapping.

"You'll look amazing!" Mal says.

We're out shopping for Alex and Gil's date tonight, where he's finally going to propose. We head to the checkout and buy the dress. We walk around the mall to find a shoe store.

"Ouuu Beignets!" Alex says running up to a little food stand. We all decided to get a snack before we continue shopping. After about an hour or two we've finished and are now heading back to Alex's castle. While we were out she picked up some books. You know her being Belles daughter and all. She walks to her library to put them away.

"Hey Alex. We've gotta get going. We have plans in a little." I said to her.

"Okay! I'll see you guys tomorrow!" She replies as we all leave to help Gil set up.

(Alex's pov)

I start to read my new book in my library as the girls leave. I look at my clock (that isn't broken). 3:30. My date with Gil is at 5 so I start getting ready. I take a shower, Do my hair, put on light makeup, and get into my new dress. I put on my shoes as I head down to my library to find Gil's favorite book. On the isle he never learned how to read since his father was so against it. Surprisingly he loves it when people read to him. When we hang out at my castle he likes to lay in my lap as I read him his favorite book, beauty and the beast. He says that he's always seen himself as more of the beast than his father. I look at the book at smile. I look back at my clock. 4:45. I grab my car keys and head to Sherwood Forest where out picnic is supposed to be.

(Gil pov)
We finish setting everything up and everyone starts to leave. It looks perfect.

I reach into my pocket and look at the ring

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I reach into my pocket and look at the ring. I hope she likes it.

She always told me how like her mom, her favorite flower was a rose

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She always told me how like her mom, her favorite flower was a rose. I put the ring back in my pocket as I hear footsteps.

(Alex pov)

I parked my car outside of the forest and start walking through. I see Gil sitting in front of a beautiful picnic setup. "Did you do all of this for me?!" I ask smiling.

"We'll I had a little help but yeah." He says, smiling proudly. I sit down against the pillow and pull out the book. He smiles and lays his head on my lap, looking up at me. I go to page we were on last time. I start to read before he asks. "Can we start from my favorite part?" I nod and turn to the page.

"She walks down the ballroom staircase in her yellow dress as the beast stares at her with awe. She was the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. She grabs his hand and starts dancing to the music with him."

Gil reaches over to a CD player and presses a button. All of a sudden "Beauty and The Beast" starts playing as he stands up.

"May I have this dance, your majesty?" He asks with his hand out.

I put the book down and grab his hand, giggling. "Why of course!" I stand up at we start dancing together, laughing nonstop. As the song finishes he spins me around. We look into each other's eyes as he gets down on one knee.

"'s moments like these when I realize, you're to special to me to lose. Every since the day we met, when I was sulking on the stairs outside of the fish and chips and you walked over to me, I knew I loved you." He pulls out a ring box's as I cover stare at him with tears in my eyes and a smile on my face. "When I think of my future you're the only thing I see. Waking up to you next to me, going on adventures to your favorite places, finding lost civilizations, and penguins with you is all I see. We can face the world together. So...will you marry me?" He looks up at me smiling.

"Yes!" I say with happy tears streaming down my face. He puts the ring on me and stands up, spinning me around in a circle. He puts me down and kisses me. We separate and he wipes my tears. "Gil, it's beautiful!"

"I love you Alex."

"I love you too Gil. And I always will!"


"I promise." I smile.

(Next Imagine: When Gil finds out he's gonna be a father/How Gil acts while Alex is pregnant)

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