Sword fight

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We all grab a sword and prepare ourselves for battle. 'I did not wear the shoes for this' Carlos sets off smoke bombs towards the pirates. Harry approaches me with a dumb smirk.

"Why Hello again Princess"

"Oh shut up before I slice your tongue off. Try talking then"

Jay comes up behind me as Hook smiles.

"Hello Jay" he takes his hat off and me and Jay start attacking him. There's a lot of jumping around while we're fighting. Jay seemed to be having trouble so I push Hooks arm down so his sword got stuck in the wood causing Jay to get stuck between him and the edge. He kicks his stomach and manages to get out. I grab Harry's hook with my sword and smirk. I put my sword over the edge. He surrenders and puts his hand out for his hook. I drop in the water.

"Oops, my hand slipped" I say.

"You damn gurl" he says as he jumps in after it. Me and Jay separate and fight a few other pirates. We all run back to the limo but I get stopped by a soaking wet Harry.

"Hiyah" he says. He pushes me off the ladder I was on and grabs my sword with his hook. I kick him away. I hear Evie. "Carlos! Smoke bomb!" She throws it down and grabs my arm. We run through the pipe. Mal kicks the bridge down that connects the dock to the pipe.

We run to the limo. I throw my sword into the trunk and get inside. As Jay drives away I see Gil smiling and waving. I smile to myself.

"I've never seen you smile like that before. Who is it!?" Evie asks me excitedly.

"What? What do you mean?"

"I know that smile. Everyone has it."

"What smile?"

"The "I'm in love" smile. Cmon who is it?"

"Well...his names Gil, he's one of the pirates. Yes I know he's Gaston's son, I know he's bad but he's so sweet. He actually cares about what I have to say. His smile drives me crazy. It probably sounds dumb."

"I don't think it's dumb at all. That's how I feel with Doug. Plus.." She whispers "he was staring at you while you were fighting Harry. He was smiling. All I saw was pure love in his eyes." I felt my cheeks burn up as I smiled. I looked out the window to see the isle get smaller and smaller.
As we get out of the limo, Mal and Evie pull me away for a girl talk.

"No" Carlos says.

"No?" Evie replied

"You three are alway leaving in a huddle for your "girls talk". Jay and I are tired of it"

"I'm not" Jay says

"We're your family too Mal. We've been through a lot, together. We're not stopping that now. Okay?"

"Uhm, I'm just gonna go..." I say turning on my heel.

"No you too" Carlos says "everyone sit"

We all sit in the grass a little confused.

"I don't know how to start girl talk."

"What up" Jay says making me and Evie laugh.

Mal starts "well..I'm a mess. I'm such a mess. I mean, six months ago I was..you know stealing candy from babies and now, everybody wants me to be this lady of the court and I have no idea how to keep up the act."

"Then don't" Carlos says

"See this was dumb" Jay says

"Maybe it wasn't" I said

"We're always gonna be the kids from the isle, I've tried to forget it, but those are our roots. And we all did what we had to do to survive. But it made us who we are. And we're never gonna be like everyone else here, and that's okay." Evie says

"And we can't fake it" Carlos adds

"Especially without my spellbook." Mal says

"Mal, if Ben doesn't love the real you, then he's not the one. Trust me I'll gladly have fairy godmother bibbidi bobbidi boo him if he doesn't." I say making them all laugh.

"I'm gonna make some changes to your dress and if you're up for it, only if you're up for it, it'll be waiting for you okay." Evie says hugging her. All of us except Mal stand up and walk away.

"We'll that was my first vk talk...how'd I do" I ask

"You did amazing!" Evie said as we walk back to her room. "Would you be up for helping me with Mals dress"

"Of course" I say.
Doug knocks on the door.

"Come in" Evie says

"I have a scout badge in s'mores, how could you go camping without me?" Doug asked clearly upset.

"This is where I go" I say walking out and heading to my room. I go into my bathroom and do my hair and makeup. I hear a knock on my door and open it. Evie hands me my dress and Doug hands me my shoes. "Wait here" I run to my purse and grab $400. "Does that cover it?" I ask. Evie looks at me with wide eyes. "Yes of course that covers everything."
I hug her and then close my door. I put my dress on and my shoes. I walk over to my mirror. "Wow" I go to my bathroom and find some matching jewelry. "Tonight will be the night to remember"(if you know this reference I love you)
My best friend Pierre, Lumiere and Plumettes son meets me at my door. "Wow" he says "that's my best friend!" He hyped me up as I laugh. "Whatever dork, let's go" I say closing my door as we make our way to the massive yacht. We meet Pierre's girlfriend Millie, daughter of Madame Garderobe and Cadenza, also my best friend. "Wow! Alex you look amazing!" She says. "You do too" I say looking at her mint green dress. "Alright love birds go dance." I tell them smiling. They walk off as Lumiere pulls me over. "Over here darling. You enter before your brother." He says. "Oh. Thank you" "the future lady Mal" he introduces. "Work it girl" he tells her. She makes her way over to Evie "Princess Alex"
I walk out a little nervous until I hear Millie and Pierre. "That's my Best Friend" making me laugh a little. I walk over to my parents. "You look beautiful sweetie" my mother says. "I hoped you would like it. I had Evie make it inspired by your dress" mother smiles at Evie. "You did amazing" she says as Evie curtsies. I stand next to Mal. "You look beautiful, He's going to love you in that." I say to her. "King Benjamin" Everyone claps and bows as he comes out. "Go get him" I hear Evie tell Mal. He bows to her. "Mal, I wish I had time to explain" he said making everyone confused. Uma comes out in a teal dress, making everyone whisper and gasp. "Mal I had no idea" I tell her. "If I did his ass would be in a hospital." I say pissed off at my brother. He leans down and kisses the ring that he gave Mal, which was now on Uma. "Im sorry, it all happened so fast. Something happened to me when I was on the isle with Uma. A connection." Ben said "what are you saying" Mal asks. "Im saying-" "It was love" Uma said cutting him off. "It was. I realized how alike Ben and I are." "We are, you're so beautiful" he says. "Ben. Ben." Mal calls him. "Did you go back for her?" "He didn't have to. I dove through the barrier before it closed, and I'm an excellent swimmer" Uma said. "You are" Ben replied. "Listen, Mal" Uma starts grabbing her hand. "I just really wanna thank you, I do. For everything. Thank you so much." She says hugging her. "You see Mal, you were right. You knew that we weren't meant to be together. That's why you never told me that you loved me." Ben says. I turn to Evie "not to happy Harry cut him loose" Kiss the girl starts playing, as Ben and Uma start dancing. "Mal I'm so sorry." I say. "Not to thrilled I risked my life for him." Carlos says. "We're with you Mal" Lonnie says. "We all are" Pierre says. "Totally" Millie finished. "Let's get out of here" Jay says to Mal. Mal, Evie, Carlos, Jay, Lonnie, Doug, Pierre, Millie, and I all start leaving. My father stops us. "Mal" "Sweetie we're so sorry, we had no idea" my mother stated. "We'll talk to him" my father finished. "Lumiere! Unveil the gift. They need to see it" Jane says. "And now, for the unveiling of King Bens masterpiece. Designed especially for his lady." He says looking at Mal. They unveil the stain glass portrait of Ben and Mal. I smile as I see Mals reaction. "Ben did that!?" She asks me. "Yeah he did" I say. "Guys, Bens known who I was all along." "He loves the real you Mal." I said. "A true love" she said. "Yeah" Evie says. "Told you" Carlos brags making us laugh. Uma walk over to Lumiere. "Cover that back up!" She demands. "How dare you speak to my father like that!" Pierre says. "Uhm, why don't you tell them the present you have for me Ben." Uma says. "I have an announcement" he says. "Uma will be joining the court tonight. As my lady." "Son.." my father starts. "Not now dad!" Ben screams at him. "So as my gift to her. I'm bringing down the barrier once and for all!"
(Harry pov)
"Mateys! We ride with the tides!" I say as all the pirates around me cheer.

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