You and Me

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(Alex pov)
"Ben you can't-" "I am your king!" He yells at me. "Fairy godmother, bring down the barrier." "I most certainly will not!" She exclaimed. "I am the king!" "Obey him" Uma adds. "Bens been spelled!" Mal realizes. "Uma found your spell book" Evie adds. Mal looks at the stain glass and calls his name. "Ben! Ben" she sighs. "Look at me." "No look at me. You love me remember?" Uma says. "No you don't Ben, look at me." "Bring down the barrier now!" Uma commands again. "She will not take orders from you!" I said, standing up for fairy godmother. "Ben, I never told you that I loved you because I thought that I wasn't good enough." Mal starts. "And I thought it was only a matter of time before you realized that yourself. Ben that's me! I'm part isle and part Auradon." "Ben eyes over here" Uma says. "And Ben, you've always known who we were and who we can be." "Don't listen to her" "Ben. I know what love feels like now. Ben, of course I love you. Ben I've always loved you." She says kissing him as people around them smiled. "Mal..." he said smiling at her. "True loves kiss" Evie says. "Works every time" we say together.

"Ugh! Give me that!" Uma says running up to fairy godmother. "Watch it shrimpy!" I said to her. "Guards seize her!" Fairy godmother cried. Uma ran towards the edge of the boat about to jump. "No! Wait! Stop" Mal said. "Uma I know you." (ThIs IsNt YoU🥺) "You're so much more than a villain. And you have to believe me because I've been there. Do not let your pride get in the way of something you really want."
Umas necklace starts glowing, as she climbs the pole and jumps into the water. "Uma, No!" Mal cried. Everyone runs toward the edge, watching as Uma grows into a giant octopus. She splashes water everywhere. "True loves kiss won't defeat this!" Uma says. "The world will know my name!" "What you gonna sing that song again? About you not knowing your name!" I yelled. Well that pissed her off. She aims her tentacle at me but Pierre and Millie pull me down. She aims another tentacle towards Mal. Mal walk away with her eyes glowing green, breathing heavily as she starts to turn into a dragon. She flies above Uma, blowing fire at her. "Cmon Mal! Let's finish this once and for all!" Uma says. Her tentacle makes the ship move from side to side. Ben roars and hands me his crown and jacket before he jumps into the water. "Ben!" I screamed. "Be careful!" "Mal, Uma" he starts. "Stop, stop it now!" "What're you gonna do Ben? Splash me?" Uma laughs. "That's enough! This has got to stop! This isn't the answer! The fight has gotta stop! Nobody's gonna win this way! We have to listen, and respect each other. It won't be easy, but we have to be brave enough to try. Uma, I know you want what's best for the isle. Help me make a difference!" He says. Uma lifts a tentacle and gives Ben his ring back, right before she leaves. Ben swims back to the boat and people help him up. Everyone cheers for him. I hand him his crown. "I think this is yours." I say. He smiles and takes it. Mal lands in front of the stain glass and changes back to a human. Her outfit looking just like the one on the portrait. She smiles and they bow to each other. Two of the guards walk her down to him as everyone claps. "So I did not know I could do that." She says to Evie. "That make two of us." "Shall we?" Evie says. "We shall" Mal replies. They walk up to Ben. Mal and Ben kiss. "Alright alright" Carlos says. "How about that son of mine" my fathers says. "Ours. That son of ours." My mother corrects. "How about his girlfriend? I think we're in very good hands here." My mother says.

"I owe you guys so much." Ben says. "Yeah! You do!" I say. "If there is anything that you need or anything I can do for you-" "Uhm, actually there is Ben. Uhm, I know a girl who'd..really love to come to Auradon. Its Drizzellas daughter dizzy. She's like a little sister to me." Evie says. "Then she should come" I say. "Okay! Okay great!" She smiles. "Actually Uhm, there's a lot of kids who would really love it here in Auradon. Kids like us who also deserve a second chance. Can I maybe get you a list?" "Yes! Absolutely! Please." I say. Ben smiles. "This is why I put you in charge of them Alex. You know exactly what to do." I smile. "Lady Mal, we found your spell book below deck. Uma had it." A guard said. "You know, this is the kind of thing that belongs in the hands of fairy godmother. Fairy godmother?" Mal says. "That's me! Thank you. Mhm." She says. "This belongs in the museum." "It does, yes and I'm gonna take it." "Go for it, I'm not gonna be needing it anymore." Mal splashes Ben with the water. He splashes her back making everyone laugh.

"Looking back at yesterday
I thought I gave it everything
But still there's so much road ahead of me" Ben sang

"When I looked into your eyes
I guess I didn't recognize
Who we are and all that we can be" Mal sang looking at him.

"Sometimes it's hard to find yourself
But it's worth it in the end
'Cause in your heart is where it all begins" they sang together as everyone found they're partners and danced as I sat on the stairs, until Pierre and Millie came up to me. "I don't dance." Pierre said. "And I need a dance partner." Millie finished. I Grabbed her hand and stood up. Pierre smiling at us.

"We gotta be bold
We gotta be brave
We gotta be free
We gotta get loud
Making that change
You gotta believe (whoa)
We'll look deep inside
And we'll rise up and shine
We can be bold
We can be brave
Let everyone see
It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)
It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)
It starts with you and me" Everyone sang together.

"There's something special that I've learned
It's together we can change the world
Everybody's got something that they can bring"
Evie, Carlos, and I sang.

"When you take a look inside yourself
Do you wish that you were something else?
But who you are is who you need to be"
Mal and Jay sang.

"Sometimes it's hard to find yourself
But it's worth it in the end
'Cause in your heart is where it all begins"
Mal, Evie, and I sang.

"We gotta be bold
We gotta be brave
We gotta be free
We gotta get loud
Making that change
You gotta believe (whoa)
We'll look deep inside
And we'll rise up and shine
We can be bold
We can be brave
Let everyone see
It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)
It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)
It starts with you and me"

"We all can do a part
We know that it can be the start
To bring about the difference that we need (yeah)" I sang with the girls.

"I promise we can work this out
I promise we can see it through
Don't you know it's up to me"
Ben and Evie sang together.

"It's up to me and you

We gotta be bold
We gotta be brave
We gotta be free"

"Wanna be free" I sang

"We gotta get loud
Making that change
You gotta believe (whoa)
We'll look deep inside
And we'll rise up and shine
We can be bold
We can be brave
Let everyone see
It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)
It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)
It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)
It starts with you and me (whoa, whoa, hey)
It starts with you and me"

Everyone bowed to Mal and Ben.

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