Isle of the Lost

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(Bens pov)

Evie and I were looking all over Alex' room for a clue on where she went.

"Ben. I found something" Evie says handing me a sheet of paper. I read it over and sigh in disbelief. Just then the boys run in. "Mals gone to the isle" Carlos says. "Shit shit shit!" I say to myself. "Alex is there too" Evie says. "Maybe they're together" Jay said. "I have to go after them" I said. "Then we're going too" Evie says.
"You'll get killed over there"
(Gil pov)
"Hi.."I say to the girl with glittery eyes, looking at me. "I'm Gil" "I'm Alex.." she says. We hold eye contact before she finally says.

(Alex pov)
"Why'd that hook hand guy kick you out?"

"You saw that?" He said giggling

"Yeah, he doesn't seem very nice"

"We'll no one here really is"

"Right!"i say quickly.

(Gil pov)
I explain everything to Alex, about Uma and Harry and how I called her shrimpy.

"We'll that sounds like a dumb reason to kick someone out. I think she didn't have anything better to say back." She said

No one's ever stood up against Uma like that. They all fear her.

"I guess so" I say.

I talk to her about everything for hours. When I told her who my dad was she looked a little scared. When I asked who her parents were she said I wouldn't know them and changed the subject. I heard Harry call me and said goodbye to Alex.

"Do you wanna up here again tomorrow?" I asked

"Sure" she said.

I walk back in and sit down at the bar, my cheek resting on my hand as I stare into space.

"Gil! What's yur problem eh?" Harry asks.

"I met a girl, a really pretty girl, and she talked to me!" I said.

Harry practically spit out his drink. "A gurl, a really pretty gurl, talked to yah?"

"Yeah, she had this short brown hair that fell perfectly on her shoulders and beautiful blue eyes that had glistening stars in them."

"I've never heard yah talk like this before mate. Was she a witch and put a spells on yah?"

"Why does he look star struck?" Uma said.

"He met a gurl." Harry said as Uma stood there surprised.

"Him, Gil, Gil LeGume, met a girl"

"Yeah" I said.

"And she talked to you?"

"Her voice was so soothing" I said smiling.

"Huh. Looks like Gil got a girl before you Harry"

"I'm wurking on it!" Harry yelled."did you get her name?"

"Alex. Her name was Alex."

Harry looked at me like he saw a ghost.

"Ginger hair, blue eyes, ALEX BEAST AS IN KING BENS SISTUR?" Harry yelled.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, just keep daydreaming"

(Alex pov)

I was now back at the abandoned building, luckily they had a few beds. A heard a loud bang and the gate go up. I grabbed my book and held it, ready to hit someone with it.

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