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2 figures sat at a cafe table under a pergola which was beautifully decorated with lush green plants.

it was pretty sunny out, clear blue skies and a cool breeze here and there. though it was a bit fogged up by smoke.

"why did you call me back again?"

a stoic and unamused redhead woman sat on 1 seat of the table, her cigar remained in 1 of her scarred hands. her unruly red hair adorned by her red and dark-grey jacket plus her tight leggings complimented her dominant exterior.

"come on~ don't you miss your sensei at all? you had to have missed me at least once right?"

a man of many, many words though most being about his beautiful looks, sat across from her. his white hair was raised up by his black blindfold which was matched with a black uniform.

"you know, I really didn't. in fact, i actually forgot about you."

she really did.

"wow, so mean to your sensei. not even a hug or anything," he sobbed in the fakest tone he could make.

this made her internally cringe.

"but I'm serious though, why'd you call me back? ever since I was sent abroad with Yuta, there was no reason for me to be here in Japan," she inhaled her cigar and puffed out a cloud of smoke.

"soon enough you're going to become like Shoko, a bad addict who will gain terrible bags under your eyes. not to mention, you're only a third year, smoking is too soon for a kid your age," he frowned.

he took the cigar from her hand and mushed it in the ashe tray.

"old habits die hard."

shortly, a waiter brought them their drinks, 2 coffees and some rose sugar cubes.

shortly, a waiter brought them their drinks, 2 coffees and some rose sugar cubes

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"you're going to die mixing coffee with your cigarette addicted body."

"if i die, so be it. I've lived a good life."

"but not long enough to enjoy it."

this made her stop the cup at her lips, "what do you want Gojo?" she abruptly placed her cup back onto the small plate.

"you see, we have a little situation," he smiled.

"what did you do now?" she groaned.

"sukuna has been revived."

if she had coffee in her mouth, she would've spit it at Gojo's face.

"since when?!"

"eh, a few months now," he shrugged.

"and you're just telling me this now?"

"there was no reason to before, I had things under control."

"you're unbelievable... how exactly?"

"a kid that goes by the name of Yuuji Itadori ate one of Sukuna's fingers."

"HE ATE HIS FINGER?!" this made civilians cast a few glances, though it wasn't like the girl cared.

it's not like she'd devote her time remembering those people and neither will they.


(Y/n) groaned, rubbing her temple,"so you wanted me back because?"

"because~ I want you to help me train him. seeing as you are quite formidable with physical combat and infusing your curse energy with it, it will help him learn and control his own."

"and if i refuse?"

"then you won't get the additional pay for teaching him."

"i accept."

Gojo chuckled, "I suppose while you're training him, you should get to know the other first and second years. i'm sure they'll peak your interest."

"we'll see," she sighed.

"meet me on campus tomorrow morning then I'll introduce you to my students."

both sorcerers stood up and left their untouched drinks with the bill.

both sorcerers stood up and left their untouched drinks with the bill

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