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♥︎. publishing and editing on wattpad mobile is so ass

This would be (Y/n)'s second visit to the Zenin clan and the higher-ups since her return. She requested an audience to discuss Maki's promotion and surprisingly enough, they both agreed to discuss the conditions.

she knew it wasn't going to be easy swaying the corrupt minds of the so called 'superiors.' they had to have something up their sleeve, primarily the Zenin clan, and she was ready for their worse.

(Y/n) stood in the center of the room, the higherups were seated directly across from her in an elevated pedestal. their faces were masked away by their cloaks and the minimal amount of light in the room.

the Zenins were seated to her left and right, but at a much lower elevation compared to the higher-ups.

"we are here today to discuss the promotion of Zenin Maki from her position as a grade four sorcerer," multiple voices were murmuring and speaking nothing, but fowl nonsense throughout the room.

"that insolent brat has no reason to be promoted, she's already lucky enough that she's a grade four sorcerer," one of the Zenin elders ratted.

"and what about you? she's a grade 4 sorcerer with talents far better than her grade. you're an old man who needs the help of his maids to wash his own ass."

this sent an uproar among the Zenin elders, though the head of the clan, Naobito Zenin, maintained his composure.

"shut it you wench! you will not insult the Zenin Clan!" one of the other elders yelled.

"oh I'm sorry, but as far as I remember, I'M the only reason why the Zenin assets and even some of YOUR clan members are still here today. seems like none of you can own up to your mistakes and mishaps. such a shame that such a noble clan with prestigious sorcerers couldn't even handle something as simple as that."

this had shut up the clan members, making them bite back their tongues and fuses. if one had a better look, some of the members would appear to be a bunch of kettles hissing on a stove.

it was certainly true that some of the clan members in the room were only alive because of the sorceress. they knew that for a fact. but their egos and arrogance refused to admit the truth.

"I'm cutting to the chase since none of you are willing to do nothing, but waste your breaths," she sighed with her arms folded. "I want Zenin Maki to be promoted to the rightful grade she deserves. Based on my observations and knowledge, she should be at least promoted to grade two. There's no reason to keep someone as talented and strong as her from being ranked as such."

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