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"good morning!" Gojo cheered as he greeted his 3rd-year student.

"morning, you're on time for once," she yawned.

"no~ you're just late," he pouted.

"say what you want old man," the sorceress stuffed her hands in her jacket pockets and started heading for the field where the 1st and 2nd years were training.

as she stepped past every stone, building, and tree she gained a bit of nostalgia, a bitter and sad type of nostalgia

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as she stepped past every stone, building, and tree she gained a bit of nostalgia, a bitter and sad type of nostalgia.

she hated it and she loved it.

"look at them."

(Y/n) stared down at the few figures on the field. a boy with pink hair was fighting a green haired girl. her physique and technique was incredible, easily dominating the boy she was fighting against.

then there was a panda swinging around a girl with ginger hair. a white haired boy stood close by to catch her. another was sitting on the steps resting, his spiky black hair couldn't be left unnoticed.

"i like her, the one with the weapon, though she looks a bit familiar."

"oh~ so you like Maki? I had a feeling you'd take an interest in her. she's from the Zenin clan. she's a hardworking student and gifted with her ability to master many weapons. she hasn't been able to promote because of her clan and the higher ups. but myself and others have been working to get her promoted."

"bet that i can make that happen by tomorrow," she smirked.

"i don't know about that, you had your own troubles getting promoted."

"no I did not. it only took me my bare hands to beat the crap out of that higher-up to become a special grade."

"he was a traitor, but they still see you as a threat like Yuta."

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