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[4 DAYS]

(Y/n) sat uncomfortably as the Zenin members were arguing amongst themselves in regards to the recent break-in.

they all sat at a circular table with Naoya sitting to her right and Naobito across from her. they remained quiet as the other members discussed the intel they had gathered.

due to the break-in, (Y/n) made it clear that the unit would not be accessed until this matter was resolved. thus, urging the clan to quickly find the culprit and any sort of leads.

her head throbbed with the constant back to back talking, not to mention their annoying voices.

she slouched in her seat, eyes closed with her left arm wrapped around her stomach and right hand supporting her forehead.

"we couldn't find any information on the him. no work history, no family, no links to the jujutsu world."

"to make matters worse, the body transfigured. it's no longer human looking. in fact, it looks like a curse," a picture was slid across the table which (Y/n) had grabbed to inspect.

Naoya took a glance at her and the photo, sparing her a day of nasty remarks since he too wasn't enjoying the commotion of his relatives.

"and how long ago did the body transfigure?"

"approximately 12 hours after the body was brought into the examination room."

'who would have an ability such as that?'

(Y/n) remained silent as she began running through the varuous possibilities in her head. she didn't know of anyone who had an ability as such nor had a bad history with her clan.

suddenly, she remembered something Yuji had mentioned. during 1 of his trainings, he talked about a curse that transfigured a friend of his. during that time, Nanami was supervising him.

"I'm going to make a quick call," she excused herself from the room and took the call in the hallway.



"yes, hello (Y/n). did you need something?"

"yes, sorry to bother you. I'm currently investigating something, but we have no leads. we only have a corpse that transfigured itself within twelve hours of its recovery to the morgue. Yuji mentioned that you two encountered a curse who transfigured a friend of his. I'm sending you a picture, do you think that same curse is responsible for this?"

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