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[2 DAYS]

It had been some time since Maki saw (Y/n). the morning after the wedding, she was sent on missions and back to Jujutsu High. not having the redhead around made the Zenin feel oddly lonely.

"Maki, why the long face?" Panda questioned as Inumaki gave a blank stare.

"mustard leaf?"

"nothing, I'm fine," she waved off.

"ever since you got back from the wedding, you haven't been much of yourself."

"I said I'm fine!" she sped up her walking towards the canteen.

the other 2nd years remained silent, following their classmate.

it just so happened that the 1st years were also at the canteen enjoying some of the drinks after their mission.

"oh it's you three, how are you guys?" Nobara pushed herself off of the wall she was leaning against.

"how was the wedding?" Yuji butted in.

"doing fine, but the wedding was horrible. I guess the only positive thing about it was how (Y/n) made her ass of a husband look like an utter fool," Maki scoffed.

"it was that bad, huh?" Nobara sweated.

"I haven't seen (Y/n) in a while... we still have training to do."

"I'm sure she'll come by eventually, she's getting paid to train you afterall," Megumi scratched the back of his neck.

if there was 1 good thing they learned about the sorceress, it was her love for money. money is power, and power is money.

who wouldn't love a leisure life where they could afford everything?

a sudden beep alerted the students. Maki pulled out her phone to view the notification.

"we all have a mission in Fukushima. there's been abnormal activity in the abandoned construction sites."

"that far?"

"we should get going then, so it's not too dark when we arrive and leave."

Maki nodded and led the group to the nearest train station. it was bustling with people leaving and entering the station.

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